Chapter 6

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"Good evening, old lady who invited me to smoke." Lu Qingjia's voice came from the TV.

The ghost old lady saw her family kneeling in a row on TV, obviously being held hostage, and suddenly lost the arrogance of scaring the fat man, and her face was paler than the fat man before.

She pointed at Lu Qingjia on TV tremblingly: "You, you-"

Lu Qingjia pulled a chair and sat down, crossed his legs, put his hands on his knees, and sat in a villainous posture: "How did I find your house?" ?" The

ghost old lady didn't say a word, but it can be seen that she is also extremely curious about this point.

Lu Qingjia smiled: "When you helped others and informed your family to claim the lost old man with dementia, didn't he have his address and phone number written on him? It just so happens that I have a good memory.

" Blood relatives, should be able to contact you in the world through them."

"Now it seems that my idea of ​​following the vine is correct."

Hearing this, the ghost old lady shot her eyes like poisonous needles at her old man.

The old man was cut several bricks by Lu Qingjia before, and his head was smashed flat, and because of him, he was cheated by Lu Qingjia for thousands of dollars, so naturally he didn't go to the hospital for repair treatment.

At this moment, the flat-headed old man was timid and timid, and he didn't dare to look at the ghost old lady.

The ghost old lady scolded: "Things that are not enough to succeed are not enough to fail." The middle-aged man on the side

said: "Mom, what time is it? It's no use scolding my dad, save us quickly."

The middle-aged woman also howled: "Why should I pay your family for nothing? If you don't get a few cents back, you'll have people robbing your family of everything. After that, they'll end up with a whole nest and count on a dead old woman."

"I'm sorry for our mothers and daughters, who suffered from the blood mold of a family who is idle." The woman couldn't maintain her kneeling position when she was sad, she sat back and patted her thighs and cried: "I brought back a pack of fake clothes last night." How dare you put the ticket in front of me to claim credit for it. I wore the paper watch all the way and didn't notice it." "

When I asked my younger brother for help, I said all the good things, but in the end, the two of them were cheated and came back naked, so that the old lady couldn't lift it at her mother's house. Wow."

"There's Xiaobao's next semester's tuition fee in there, and the house is about to expire, and I want to drink northwest wind with you when I recite it-"

The woman has a loud voice, singing and singing well, and she is quite crying at her age The old lady's fire was getting hotter, and the atmosphere of the whole house became darker and sadder.

Just as she was howling, the woman suddenly trembled all over and screamed in pain, which startled the ghost old lady and the fat man outside the TV.

Lu Qingjia, who was sitting behind her, said casually, "Who told you to change your position? Is it tiring to kneel?"

The woman dared to yell at the man and the old man at home, but not at the robber who broke into her house.

After suffering a lot, the arrogance that was getting louder and louder suddenly shrank, and he knelt down again crying.

Although the ghost old lady and her family were relieved to see the rogue lady shut up, they really couldn't be happier that the whole family's life was in someone else's hands at the moment.

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