Chapter 90

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Who this person refers to is clear to both parties.

Lu Qingjia smiled bluntly and said: "After all, I still underestimate it, otherwise idiots like you would not have been sent here."

The other party's complexion immediately darkened, and there was killing intent in Lu Qingjia's eyes.

In fact, objectively speaking, the opponent is very good, and there have been no redundant flaws all the time, which shows that he is careful, and now he reacts quickly to Lu Qingjia's sudden attack, and he does not suffer at all, which shows that his strength is above Lu Qingjia.

Judging from Lu Qingjia's current actual strength, it is undoubtedly the advanced players who can achieve comprehensive suppression in this way, and they are still not low-level advanced players.

The surrounding players backed away when the two started fighting. At first, it was the body's instinctive reaction to the crisis.

Afterwards, the players knew very well that this was not a battle they could get involved in.

The fighting prowess and the scale of ability utilization of the two players are not comparable to them, and everyone even suspects that these two are advanced players.

Seeing that the scene stopped, the extreme player who entered the village with Lu Qingjia said, "Hey, what's going on? Why did you fight?" After all, the

three of them entered the village together at the beginning. One step faster, compared to other players, extreme players have always thought that the alliance of the three of them is slightly more stable.

Unexpectedly, without any warning, Lu Qingjia and the infinite player started fighting. Lu Qingjia sneered and said, " I lied to

you just now. In this dungeon, there is no rule that you can use the mountain god flower to transfer the curse."


At least for now there are no props to accomplish this.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words. The difficulty of the dungeon is already so high. If the rules encourage players to betray each other, it will really be a hell-level difficulty with no survivors.

Although it's not much better now, but after all, if the players are twisted together, the chances of survival are higher.

For example, when a player's ability betrays, if there happens to be a player whose ability is against him, then it is not impossible to survive smoothly.

But everyone couldn't figure out what Lu Qingjia had to do with his attack on the infinite player who lied to everyone by telling fake rules.

Lu Qingjia said: "I don't want to hide it from everyone. I have an old debt with some people,

and the source is in this game." Killing intent is certain."

It is impossible for the scammer not to know the relationship between him and Zhong Liyu. He has an administrator level, and is even an administrator who is famous for his force value in several major games. Reaching out, with the rules of Infinite City, even if he is an administrator, there are many restrictions.

Then come another copy of the game. As the administrator of the infinite game, if he dares to put his hand into other games, then the first horror game will not be able to spare him.

He was the only one who had been an exchange student dungeon. He knew the exact coordinates and rules, and the dungeon was operable to play around the edges. Since it was an exchange student dungeon, players of the infinite game could naturally enter.

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