Chapter 16

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As soon as Lu Qingjia disappeared, it announced the end of this dungeon.

The reincarnation rules of the entire hotel fell apart, Manager Hao was completely wiped out, and Mr. Li and Ms. Wang took over the torture of dozens of innocent souls who have been repeatedly tortured for so many years.

Most of the ghosts whose grievances were avenged and the truth of their deaths were revealed lost their obsessions, rose into the air and dissipated in the sky, entering the next stage.

The ghosts of Mrs. Li and Zhu Xiaomei appeared on the roof. When they saw Manager Hao's body that was about to collapse, they hurriedly stamped their feet twice.

Realizing that Lu Qingjia had disappeared, they had a look of disappointment on their faces.

Zhu Xiaomei: "It would be nice to stay a little longer, I haven't had time to say thank you to him."

Mrs. Li: "What a man, it's a pity that I was born 20 years earlier, otherwise I would have chased him with all my life, so I wouldn't He will blindly look at that bastard, and hurt so many people."

Zhu Xiaomei nodded in agreement: "He is excellent and gentle, and he is never arrogant to little people like us. This is the demeanor of a good man, right? "

He blushed and said: "He also praised me for being cute." Mrs. Li was not to be outdone

: "He praised me for being charming a long time ago."

The aggrieved and unwilling man suddenly turned his head.

Mrs. Li and Zhu Xiaomei gasped, thinking when did the good man come wholesale? Lu Qingjia had just left, and now another one appeared.

The other party looked over, but his face was not good. He glanced at the two shabby female ghosts and sneered.

With a dignified calm and a sense of superiority, he said: "He is a liar. As long as it is beneficial, he can praise an 80-year-old lady as a fairy without blinking. Idiots without self-knowledge." Mrs. Li and Zhu Xiaomei are

naturally Not happy, this is not only an insult to them, but also an insult to Jiajia who is so gentle and kind.

But the man in front of him was full of danger at first glance, and the two of them didn't dare to confront each other.

I could only mutter: "Jealousy, it must be jealousy."

"Either it is to slander, who can't see that he is popular with women." "

Mr. Lu is the best."

Zhong Liyu choked, raised his hand to open a space crack, and put Two talkative nympho ghosts kicked in -

"Go away and reincarnate, use your brains in your next life, and don't be coaxed by people saying something nice." After speaking, it seemed that the

game's sudden silence was very meaningful, and then Question: "What's wrong?" Horror game: "Don't you think you should reflect on

yourself first before preaching to others?


Li Yu said: "You can't say that. I just complain about the stupid boss every day, and make fun of its black history to comfort the fatigue of repeatedly wiping its ass.

" If you are dissatisfied with this, you should be more reliable and don't give me a chance to complain?"

Horror game: "Oh, you can talk like that now? When you first faced that kid, you were half as cruel to me. "

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