Chapter 29

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Because the woman's appearance was really embarrassing, Lu Qingjia calmed her down and took her to a coffee shop on the street for a drink, and learned about her by the way.

Knowing that the husband's surname is Lan, let's call her Mrs. Lan.

Mrs. Lan was a rich wife half a year ago, her family assets were billions of dollars, and she also had a place in the local top circle.

It's just that a great change happened not long ago, the company went bankrupt, and she changed from a rich wife worth hundreds of millions to a poor housewife overnight.

Mrs. Lan was pretty when she was young. After graduating from university, she got married and had children. She never worked in her life and lived a pampered and extravagant life for more than ten years.

Now the monthly living expenses are not even enough for her to buy a pair of shoes and a bag before, how can she afford such a gap?

What broke her down the most was the beauty she was so proud of. After stopping the maintenance, her skin aged rapidly. She looked like an old lady in her 60s or 70s at the age of less than forty.

Mrs. Lan almost regarded Lu Qingjia as a life-saving straw at the moment, and she would not doubt him, or she did not want to doubt him from the bottom of her heart.

Hearing that Lu Qingjia had accompanied his family members to a beauty project, he subconsciously thought that the other party knew about it.

He said: "Everyone knows that the source of their formula is not visible, but haven't you heard that it will be like this after the maintenance is stopped?"

Mrs. Lan covered her face and cried in collapse: "At first, the skin condition got worse, I thought it was just broken. Maintenance, to restore the state that should be at this age, but it has been deteriorating unexpectedly, what is the difference between this and a lie?" "It's also my fault,

if it's not that I don't have money, why did I fall to this point?" Naturally,

Lu Qingjia would not Stupidly asked directly what is the source of the so-called shady light.

He had already guessed in his heart, so he tentatively said: "Your experience has also reminded us, but what is helpless now is that all the people who have used it have been kidnapped by this hospital. It can't be broken anymore, so hold your nose and everyone has to keep this hospital, so as not to ruin your face overnight." "

If it weren't for this, they wouldn't be so confident." Lu Qingjia took a sip of coffee and asked casually Said: "But then again,

I'm also a little curious. Why do you use it without hesitation when you know the raw material?" ."

He sighed and looked worried.

Mrs. Lan smiled wryly and said, "You don't understand women's obsession with beauty, especially beautiful women, who can't stand even one wrinkle on their face.

" After passing the hurdle in my heart, body fat is nothing. Besides, although the source is not visible, it is not too ignorant of human life. It is more or less what you want, so it is not so entangled." Lu Qingjia smiled:

" That's right, the effect is really not comparable to any product or technology in the world."

He didn't say this out of his mouth, because after knowing the identity of the other party and adding the communication method, he could easily find Mrs. Lan. old social software.

This rich lady is 38 years old, and she is not born with a baby face. No matter how well maintained she is, she cannot be compared with a real young girl in her early twenties.

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