Chapter 39

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Lu Qingjia worked all night, and worked out the script and set arrangements overnight. By the time he turned off the computer, it was already the next morning.

He went downstairs, and the employees in the store were already busy.

The cleaners work a little later, and they are also helping the kitchen with the ingredients for the day.

Although Lu Qingjia's place is remote, the treatment is very good, including food and lodging, and the dormitory conditions and meals are pretty good.

There are four people in the dormitory. The large guest room on the first floor is remodeled. It has a small hall and a separate bathroom. There are air-conditioning and TV sets in the room. The staff also invited the nearby cooks to be very good. The aunt who is good at home cooking cooks staff meals. The ingredients for each meal are solid. Lu Qingjia, the boss, also eats with him. Naturally, there is no place to cut corners.

I often purchase good ingredients, and often share a portion for extra meals.

The monthly salary is five to six thousand after tax, and I also buy five insurances and one housing fund, and there are few places to spend money. After a year, most of the salary is saved.

Therefore, even if the location is remote, most of the employees work very long. Unless they get married, have children or make major life plans, few people leave their jobs.

This morning, the staff made steamed buns and sweet potato porridge, the chef's own pickled radish, and porridge with minced meat and fried beans.

The buns are thin in skin and big in filling. Once you bite into it, it is full of rich and fragrant soup. You can eat several at a time with porridge.

Xiaowei, who is also a person at the front desk, personnel and finance, came over with a tray. The girl was probably on a diet recently. There was only half a bowl of porridge and a stack of pickles in the tray, and she didn't take a bun.

She put down the tray and sat opposite Lu Qingjia: "Boss, A Ping is going to resign. Didn't she go back to the city for blind dates during her vacation?

" Develop in the city."

Lu Qingjia nodded: "Then congratulations to her, if you are not busy, wait until this week's Qixi Festival is over before leaving, and then her salary will be counted as one month."

Xiao Wei smiled and said, "I've told her all about this, and I'm not in a hurry right now, even if she's gone, we definitely don't have enough manpower.

" Right?"

Lu Qingjia said: "Success, you are in charge, it's okay to recruit one or two more, I may not have so much energy to look inside the store in the future." When the

farmhouse was run by his uncle, the staff directly selected nearby The women of the village.

However, after Lu Qingjia took over the transformation, most of the customer base has become young people, and the staff are mainly young and flexible young people who have common topics with the guests.

Such people usually go to big cities to develop, and not many are willing to stay in small mountain villages.

Fortunately, Lu Qingjia was treated well and built an industrial chain nearby. The scenery is poetic and picturesque, and the working environment is beautiful. Having had enough of the hustle and bustle of big cities, more young people come here to look for opportunities.

Lu Qingjia even chartered a car and was responsible for picking up deliveries for people near the scenic spot every day. Many employees who make money and have nowhere to spend, at least the step of online shopping is free of obstacles.

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