Chapter 41

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What will happen? Then there is a ghost.

Maybe this section is really not going to happen in the classroom, and only temporarily follow the principle of 'honesty'.

But anyone with a little bit of brain knows that Ji Yu's position, although he can't see good or evil for the time being, but from the information disclosed so far, he is definitely an extremely paranoid 'messenger of justice'.

The students in this school seem to be unruly and dissolute, but from the question just now, it can be seen that there may be more than that.

Ji Ye believes that these students are hopeless scum, and brutally murdered the dereliction of staff, and used such a cruel method to carry out the so-called "graduation make-up classes". I am afraid that the main purpose is not to make people correct Renew.

If he thought that the students here-at least some of them, had the possibility of reforming themselves-would not have used such extreme methods.

Of course, excluding these psychological analysis, the real situation of the whole space is also questionable.

Why would a teacher have the supernatural power to set the rules? Is it Ji Ye's special ability, or is there something wrong with the whole space?

After all, it seems that all students, including players, cannot leave the school for the time being, so there is no way to prove that this is the real world.

Perhaps the whole space was affected by Ji Ye's rhythm. Originally, the scene of a living person exploding in front of him could scare people crazy. After less than a minute, the remaining NPCs woke up.

Sitting on the seat with shoulders shrunk, sobbing and crying softly, not even daring to make a big noise.

Seeing that the classroom discipline was restored, Ji Ye smiled gently: "Look, in this class, lying is meaningless." "The

first thing the teacher asks is honesty. No matter what your answer is, the teacher will not pursue the answer." Itself."

"Unfortunately, as the first person to answer the question, student X is unwilling to even try to accept the rules. He didn't even finish answering the teacher's most basic demonstration questions."

"Okay, in order not to affect the progress of the course, let's ask another classmate to ask questions!" Ji Ye's gentle smile added a trace of malice inexplicably: "I hope this classmate will not make the same mistakes." As he spoke, his eyes wandered around the classroom

, Not only the NPC, but also many players inevitably became tense when they received his gaze.

Lu Qingjia hooked her lips, feeling a little playful.

There are more than 20 players in a dungeon, and the probability of belonging to the same camp is very small, and most of the experienced players present are also clear about it.

This dungeon is probably a heroic player brawl, not to mention all, among the more than 20 players, there are definitely not a few gold hunters and hunters mixed in.

Ji Ye's question, and the rule of not telling lies in this class, if anyone is pointed out, it will almost be regarded as breaking away from the other party's position.

If you are a goldfishing player, you have done countless bad things, and if you lose your cover, it is simply a living target for hunter players to earn points.

Even hunter players are not necessarily safe. Players who seek money are ruthless, and once they are determined to be the enemy, they must strike first.

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