Chapter 43

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In an instant, the faces of the six goldfishers exploded into six flowers of blood with extreme disbelief and resentment.

The entire classroom is only this big, six explosions at the same time, to be honest, the whole picture is very spectacular, it strongly stimulates the senses of everyone in the classroom.

A few NPCs other than the players were already frightened and fell down on the table in a faint. However, the get out of class was over now, and they were not forced to wake up by the rules. At least there was room for them to escape.

But the classroom fell into dead silence, and no one responded for tens of seconds.

To be honest, even though they realized that the dungeon of this round was extremely difficult, the player might die at any time, but in this kind of situation, everyone relaxed their vigilance and got a little respite from the tense atmosphere, but suddenly the player died, and it was still a while. Take six people away in one breath.

This made the rest of the players look at Lu Qingjia's expression with a creepy sense of vigilance.

Many people even broke out in cold sweat unconsciously on their foreheads and temples. Ji Ye was the only one in the classroom whose mood was the opposite of everyone else's.

As if he was very satisfied with the result, he looked fascinated at the puddles of blood that exploded at the same time, and finally said with satisfaction: "Students, remember to do a good job of hygiene when you leave the classroom. You must keep the classroom clean and tidy before class tomorrow." "No

, What the hell is going on here?" Some players said: "Is it your fault? You played a trick on the time, making everyone mistakenly think that they should relax after class." Ji Yi spread his hands: "The teacher won't do

this This kind of thing, the teacher is a very time-conscious person, this is just an accident to the teacher, but the teacher didn't choose to say it." He shook his head after speaking: "It's not true, the teacher clearly hinted at it, but it's a

pity Not many people understand, and the teacher is sometimes very helpless for students with dull qualifications."

"What did you remind?" Some players were annoyed.

Another player with a much calmer mood said: "He reminded you twice."

"The first time was when the class bell rang, and there was nothing else to say, and he was still dawdling in the classroom, which meant that it was not time to leave the class." "The second time was

his reminder, he said' You can move freely in the school during the period from the end of this class to the start of class tomorrow', pay attention to the wording, if the class was over at that time, why didn't you just say from 'now' to the start of class tomorrow? Special emphasis should be placed on the end of this class '? That is to imply that this class is not over yet."

"I thought it was wrong at the time, thinking it was a time trap set by Teacher Ji, but I didn't expect it to be you-" The other party looked at Lu Qingjia. "We were all deceived by the inertia that projectors and curtains are regular props that cannot be affected by player abilities. We didn't

try to control other seemingly inconspicuous props."

Can you use a trick to make a lie?"

As he spoke, the other party walked to the speaker in the upper left corner of the classroom, and tore off a mini speaker from the side of the speaker. It was only the size of a finger, and it showed that the Bluetooth signal was on, and it should be connected to Lu Qingjia's mobile phone.

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