Chapter 45

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The player's figure was gradually elongated, and then sucked into the screen like a shadow.

During this period, the player thought about struggling, and his hand instantly turned into a metal texture, as if it had been coated with mercury. He firmly grasped the floor, and several inch-long cracks were scratched out of the hard granite floor. , but still failed to prevent him from being sucked in.

The players looked more and more cautious, and the sitting postures of many of them became more serious all of a sudden.

Although this dungeon is difficult to see with the naked eye, it is different from the few unlucky ghosts who were calculated and exploded by Lu Qingjia yesterday. The rules seem broad, but they are actually stricter than yesterday.

Everyone knows the hidden meaning of the player just now when he answered the question. It is estimated that it is an unjust debt left over in reality or in previous copies.

To be honest, if they fight alone, these players have come to this point, and their abilities have grown considerably compared to before. Even if they return to the original dungeon, they will not be afraid of those who owe bad debts.

But the game will make such a big battle, let you just go back to the previous experience field to abuse food? Obviously not.

Sure enough, after a while, blood oozes around the screen.

As if the screen and the space inside were a stone mill or a hydraulic press, the players who were sucked in were like squeezing orange juice, and blood was squeezed out crazily along the gap.

The players reported that it was okay, and the NPCs were too frightened to look at the screen, but the classroom, which was originally clean, became bloody again in a short while.

It seems that Ji Ye will not give them a class environment that is not full of stress.

Ji Ye sighed regretfully at this moment: "This classmate obviously failed to satisfy the old people."

He smiled and looked at everyone: "Students should do what they can when making wishes. If you are like the classmate just now If you just open your mouth and promise to do anything, then the old people may really make demands that you can't bear."

Then he said: "Actually, the questions just now are different from the previous class. They were not randomly selected for questions and answers.

" Small and weak voice."

"The next student designated by the applicant to answer the question is Lu Qingjia-" When Ji Yu said this, his playful expression on his face became a little more vigilant.

It is estimated that he is also fully aware of this guy's cunning, and does not expect this guy to be fooled given that there are already examples.

On the contrary, it is easy for the other party to sum up the hidden loopholes in the rules and remind others.

Lu Qingjia stood up, and as Ji Ye thought, she said without guilt, "I didn't do anything bad to the old man or the child. Even though the process was unpleasant, everyone was happy in the end." "Don't

look I am like this, in fact, I am very popular with the elderly and children. There have even been elderly people who did not hesitate to spend all their belongings because of their trust in me. Of course, I also gave them a little lesson in the end to let them realize The world is dangerous, don't trust others, guard your property, and stay away from traps targeting middle-aged and elderly people."

Lu Qingjiayue said that Ji Ye's face looks better, and in order not to waste the time of a class, he concluded: "In short, although I said so myself I'm a little embarrassed, but the fact is that many young and old have received my help and benefited in the short term or in the long run." "

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