Chapter 73

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Seeing that Lu Qingjia insisted on participating in the interview in a mess, the staff's expression changed, and they were about to persuade him, but the other party had already opened the door to the interview office.

Lu Qingjia's next memory was also a bit vague. She only remembered that there seemed to be more than one person in the interview room, but the specific memory was not sure.

The other party's appearance was dazzling and unclear in the backlight of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows in the office. I can only recall that the other party was quite displeased when he saw his muddy body, but he still gave him a 'job opportunity'.

He also hinted that this was the workload of a team, which is why Lu Qingjia left clues for himself the first day, prompting him to return to the city where the train started.

As for the identity of the mysterious interviewer, Lu Qingjia was naturally curious. At that time, he left something around the interviewer in a very secret way.

But when I wanted to sense it, there was no movement. Presumably the interviewer was not an ordinary NPC.

At least for the player's wrist and ability, he has a calm way to deal with it.

These are not important for the time being, this dungeon is too restrictive, and it is not easy to confirm too many with this clue.

However, Lu Qingjia has at least determined the timing and location of the first refresh point and the second refresh point.

The first refresh point is undoubtedly the moment when the player just entered the game. At that time, the player did not have any traces of activities in the dungeon world. If you find anything wrong, think that you have just entered the game.

What's more poisonous is that this dungeon blocks the player's induction, and even has mental induction to deliberately ignore the particularity of the surrounding players. If there is no player who behaves particularly differently, or has strong mental skills and finds something wrong, it is difficult to start from the step-by-step fast-paced During the mission, it was discovered that there were so many players around.

What's more, at the beginning, it hinted that the players were against each other, so whether it was a gold-fishing player or an ordinary player, before the enemy was revealed, it was naturally impossible to take the initiative to expose themselves, and strive to be low-key and ordinary.

Triple guarantee, just the first step is full of traps, no wonder so many hundreds of people can't even get out of the station at the first level.

The refreshing point of the second session is in the interview office.

If Lu Qingjia followed the advice of the staff, sorted out his state, and erased the traces of his first pass, it would be impossible to find the truth so efficiently the next day and come back here.

The bigger possibility is that after confirming the status quo, the time for the internship report has passed, and the factory does not accept people, so it will be a waste of a day.

This is a waste of a day. Players like Lu Qingjia who have passed the first level, not to mention, are still stuck in the first level, will definitely waste another chance to buy a ticket tomorrow.

Then the closer the number of times the ticket is cleared, dragging it back and forth twice, the player forgets his identity, becomes an NPC here and is always trapped in the game, and their team is almost over.

However, for an intermediate dungeon, such strict and trap-laden rules cannot leave room for players.

Therefore, Lu Qingjia concluded that the refresh point and time must be clearly reminded, when he heard the reminder from the staff and the similar broadcast synchronously from the train over there.

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