Chapter 52

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Zhong Liyu looked at Lu Qingjia for a while, where was the silly look on his face?

Then he chuckled: "Sure enough, none of your benefits are given for nothing."

Then he said in a deep voice: "The hint from that pervert Ouyang Bai? I knew he had no good intentions."

Lu Qingjia said: "Come on, what are you doing? " I'm venting my anger, actually I guessed it a long time ago, but he confirmed it to me." "

I remember you said that there was a rival company who took advantage of your company's Valentine's Day event to make a surprise attack, but you three administrators Combined into shit, several big 'branches' fell in a row." "

It is known that the three major games are "horror", "infinite" and "extreme". The high-level dungeon of cultivating immortals, since then, there have been no exchanges between horror games and extreme games for several years." "The

relationship has been gradually restored after breaking the ice in the past two years."

"My uncle died six years ago. Our horror game and extreme game have broken off, there is no possibility of clearing the level and competing with the extreme game player, then there will only be one result." "Infinite game, right?"


Liyu was unambiguous at this point, He nodded: "Our idiot boss

has a good relationship with Infinity Games, but the players on both sides are not like that." The lower players have a harmonious relationship with the game, and the other two games have a very subtle relationship with administrator level players." "

Of course this also has a problem with their screening mechanism." Zhong Liyu stepped over a piece of gravel, turned and rushed Lu Qingjia held out her hand.

Lu Qingjia also put her hand up subconsciously, and stepped over with his strength.

It took the two of them to realize it. In fact, with Lu Qingjia's physical strength, he didn't need to pull or worry about tripping?

Zhong Liyu's face was a little red, but when he let go of Lu Qingjia's hand, before he could pull it out, he clenched it tightly again, pretending to be okay.

Eyes cast around: "This road is very steep, you pull me carefully so you don't fall."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just worried that you will falsely accuse one of my employees of failing to drive the road well, and take the opportunity to deduct my salary My monthly salary is only 2,000 yuan, and I have to support my family, so I can't stand the deductions."

Lu Qingjia hadn't spoken yet, but when she saw this guy pleading with him, he raised his eyebrows: "Young people, don't think about everything. You have to look for problems from the boss, and you have to find problems from yourself." "

If I am harsh on all employees, you can say that I am black-hearted and shameless, but if I am harsh on you alone, then it is your own problem."

Zhong Li Yu smiled: "Then I'm just showing it?"

"Since I really want to show it, shouldn't I use my back? What's the use of sweating my hands?"

Lu Qingjia only bickered habitually, but unexpectedly Yu immediately showed an expression of "Is there such a good thing?"

Lu Qingjia picked it up with a single backlash: "Boss, do you think my scooter is still stable?" "

Ah? Hmm! It's still a little dry." Lu Qingjia was stunned for a moment, but it was still true.

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