Chapter 62

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The God Envoy no longer has the blood of the gods on his body at this moment. Even if he passes the skill points of points, he is still physically stronger than the average player, but without the body of the holy light, he is more than half fragile.

What's more, the comer is only good at strength, even in the period of complete victory, the envoy would not resist his fist, let alone now?

The blow hit the face, directly breaking the bridge of the god's nose and a tooth, a face that looked handsome before, but now it was beaten to pieces, tearing, nosebleeds and broken teeth.

The black-skinned man seemed to be panicked by the result. Seeing that Lu Qingjia was holding the envoy as a shield all the time, his hands and feet were tied up for a while, and he didn't dare to attack again.

Lu Qingjia just smiled: "It seems that your backer is really good to you. Knowing that you are an idiot, you have specially arranged someone to protect you during the mission."

"Why, why?"

Lu Qingjia said: "You don't really think that you have some scumbag in your body, and you can make capital compromise in the face of such huge interests with a single call?"

"I don't even believe it, but you believe it yourself."

"It is true that the heroes of the opposing company are not your opponents, but just like the two idiots who attacked me, it is too easy to abolish you idiot by means other than the competition, at least disqualifying you from the competition." "

Even Every word you talk to me is a flaw, where do you have the ability to persuade the three forces to unite? That symbolizes the leader in the industry and the number one hero." "Unless there are relevant talents who follow you to wipe your ass all the time, or you

really They can control others to a certain extent."

"This is the world of superheroes, no matter how strong the individual players are, they can't stand up to the targets of the industry's leaders, and it's obviously unrealistic for them to submit to violence-"

Lu Qingjia paused, looked at the envoy, Shaking his head with some regret: "Your backer has also calculated all obstacles for you, and the chips given to you are enough for three or four intermediate players to walk sideways in the game.

" something."

Seeing that the black-skinned man was looking for a chance to sneak attack, Lu Qingjia put a scalpel on the angel's neck: "Don't move around." "

Trust his identity, if you die here, you will be finished, right?"

The black-skinned man frowned , but did not dare to act rashly.

Lu Qingjia said to the envoy: "Now release the president's mind control?"

But in fact, after the envoy's ability was taken away by Lu Qingjia, the president's face became more confused.

Lu Qingjia probably knew what was going on, the idiot's aptitude for God Envoy was too low, even if he was given abilities, the effect he could exert was limited.

However, the bloodline of the envoy probably has the function of controlling people's hearts. After all, when it comes to gods, people will subconsciously think of worshiping beliefs and the like.

Sure enough, according to the envoy himself, it is another function in the bloodline of the gods, called "Holy Son".

Once it is turned on, it will attract people to follow, worship and even obey. Even in the face of hostile people, it will weaken the hostility of the other party towards oneself.

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