Chapter 50

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Ouyang Bai really thinks that Lu Qingjia is awesome.

It is normal to say that the administrator is also a human being. Before becoming an existence transcending everything, he suffered from losses and was deceived, and experienced unimaginable tempering. This is normal-ah, of course not including him.

Ou Huang has no solution!

Everyone has a starting point, and no one is born with everything.

However, regarding Zhong Liyu's dark history revealed by the game, all the administrators were still amazed after hearing it.

Because this guy was cheated after he became an administrator.

The whole person was played to pieces, and the one who lied to him was still an ordinary person. According to the weight of the secret revealed by Zhong Liyu at the beginning, it can be said to be the most speechless scandal in the history of games.

And not only that, after the fact, this guy still didn't admit that he was just cheated.

When the black history was revealed by the game and ridiculed by the administrators, this guy still plausibly said that they were true love.

What's the difference between this Nima and the brain-dead hero in the dog-blood novel?

oh! There are still some, who are obsequious to liars and punch hard at colleagues.

At that time, my curiosity was aroused, and I wanted to see what kind of emotional liar in reality could fool an administrator who knew almost all worlds, planes, time and space into a fool.

As a result, Zhong Liyu was furious, and fought with the good-for-nothing fake celestial master and the double-headed snake on the spot.

It's okay for the fake celestial master to be a fool, so it's okay to gossip and be beaten.

But the Double-Headed Snake will hold people's grudges, the more you don't let them provoke you, the more you really want to find out, but although the code name of the Double-Headed Snake is two players occupying one seat, the combined combat strength of the two-headed snake is far worse than that of Zhong Liyu .

However, Zhong Liyu's real world is not the same as theirs. Even if the dungeon world has a sphere of influence, the real world naturally cannot cross the boundary casually.

So I had no choice but to write this down resentfully, and the two sides were even more disgusted by it.

The nickname of "Green Hat Char Siu" after Zhong Liyu was so unpopular among the administrators, of course the two-headed snake contributed a lot.

But it's really appropriate.

Back in the day, when Zhong Liyu got the nickname "Green Hat Barbecued Pork", "The Injustice" and "Fake Heavenly Master" held his hands one after another: "Brother, this nickname is loud, it's both awesome and powerful." Easy to remember."

"Just four words, the amount of information exposed is shocking, and the courage of people who dare to bear this nickname is even more difficult for ordinary people to match. This is really good, brother, take care of it." Zhong

Li Yu almost got into a fight with them again on the spot: "My god, you two, don't be so fucking close. I'm willing to degenerate and claim the shameful nickname, don't call me Laozi." "Especially you, you have been taken advantage of, and you still have the face to smile?

No See that bastard in the game ran away and sat on your wife's chest again?" The

meeting room that had just been beaten to pieces began to burst into patter again!

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