Chapter 7

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"Old lady, this is called a threat." Lu Qingjia shook off the blood on the soul rope.

Even the ghost old lady's family is not good enough. Knowing that cheating Fatty's soul coins will lead to his miserable death, now he also deeply realizes that compared with this robber, his own set is not enough.

They are just bastards who sneak around in the underworld, but for ordinary people, things like ghosts are enough to mobilize all fears and naturally have an advantage.

For example, Fatty, this guy would not be afraid of lazy bastards like his family in reality, but if he was replaced by a ghost, even if he hadn't been physically attacked so far, he would still be able to scare him half to death.

But who knew that this fat man had found such a helper, and he didn't have the slightest awe of sneaking. Judging by the appearance of this robber, he has a decent status in Yangjian.

But in the underworld, it seems that there is no restraint, and he dares to do any evil things that cause great disasters, which is not what a normal person should be at all.

Now that the old lady's family met him, it was like a gangster meeting a real black boss, and the attitude of going all out was a joke in the eyes of the other party.

Seeing that one of her son's arms had been cut off, and the broken soul rope could not be reattached, the ghost old lady felt great grief.

The row of ghosts kneeling in front of Lu Qingjia was also trembling, and the ghost woman was terrified to cover the crying of the ghost child.

The scene was so pitiful and pitiful. The ghost son was struggling on the ground in pain, looking at the ghost old

lady outside the TV screen: "Mom, save my mother quickly! You are only a son like me, is there anything more important than my life?"

Seeing his son's miserable and useless appearance made him feel distressed and resentful.

She stared at Lu Qingjia with poison in her eyes: "You are not afraid-" Before she could

say the threat, she saw the robber make a gesture of invitation: "You can also cut a piece of his flesh to scare me, or scrap him Just tricks are fine."

The fat man had a diarrhea collapse right away: "Jiajia, I'm your only brother who doesn't smell like plastic, you can't be so cruel to me."

Lu Qingjia ignored the idiot, looked at the ghost old lady leisurely, and urged: "Why? Is it? It's been a hundred or eighty years since you died, and there are quite a few ghosts in the underworld who have their stomachs pierced, their arms broken, and their legs broken. Could it be that they are afraid of seeing blood?

" Do you have kindness in your heart and can't bear to do it?"

Everyone watched as Lu Qingjia stepped on the ghost son's face, and slowly rolled the guy who was crying until his nose and tears came out into the ground.

Looking directly at the ghost old lady: "Old lady, useless bargaining chips, can they still be called bargaining chips?"

After speaking, his eyes passed over her miserable son and stopped at the shivering little grandson, with obvious hints.

The ghost old lady finally couldn't bear the pressure, and howled, "I'll give it to you, can't I give it to you? Don't touch my grandson, he's still young!"

Lu Qingjia laughed: "I just like talking to sensible people."

The next operation was quite simple, the old ghost let go of the fat man weeping, hunched over and got back into the TV, and returned to the underworld.

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