Chapter 66

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The president's face turned pale. Originally, he thought that the defection of the police and the supernatural force was the result of some shady trick by the mud envoy.

For example, grasping the handle of a key person, or having any benefits exchanged.

The impression that Lu Qingjia gave them was that he was really not a bright and upright person, which made them adapt to the other party's insidious, cunning and unscrupulous judgments.

Although he is wary of him, it is based on personal means and ability threats, and the reference still comes from the envoy. Therefore, even if he felt that this person was difficult, he did not pay much attention to it strategically.

After all, this guy was a poor boy a month ago, and he has only been in charge of a mid-level brokerage company for a short time. Although he is skilled at playing chess and has made a lot of money recently, in the final analysis, there is no way for such a person to easily squeeze into the real world. circle of power.

It's not good to let this kind of lunatic go on a rampage to destroy everyone's interests, but to put it bluntly, the destructive power that the other party can really bring is also limited.

Even if so many people were held hostage before, the association and the people above didn't really care about it, it was just a temporary loss of reputation and interests. As long as they firmly control this industry, the temporary loss will be multiplied later. return.

However, they never expected that the silt envoy has far more control over things than they imagined, more terrible.

He has even summed up the reasons for the current situation of the supernatural beings, and uncovered the evidence, pointing to the exact planner.

If it's just an ideological issue, then it can be manipulated, and no specific person is required to be responsible. Even if a few dead ghosts are pushed out, it will not matter.

But now the other side has pointed out that this is a long-planned conspiracy, so the police and military's action shows that this country, anticipating the follow-up public reaction, decided to take this opportunity to take advantage of their interests, which have developed into a behemoth. Organizations are uprooted.

Lu Qingjia smiled: "It's a pity, why did you choose a 'dictatorship' country for the first Hero King Cup?"

"If you choose a capitalist country, maybe it won't be able to let the higher-ups make a decisive move under the operation." The

president of the association and those big bosses who manipulate capital finally couldn't sit still. They knew that they were trapped here and missed the first round. How deadly is the reaction time.

So some people want to connect with the outside world.

But it was too late, a former hero appeared behind their seats and launched electromagnetic interference, making it impossible for the signal in this area to spread.

These people ordered their bodyguards to start resisting.

However, the bodyguard is also a person with supernatural powers. In the past, he felt that he had a decent job and a good salary through his supernatural powers, which was considered a good life.

But after knowing the truth, I discovered that the person I was protecting was the culprit who caused the group to be oppressed and discriminated against.

Except for a few, most of the bodyguards not only did not take action, but instead controlled their employers and searched out hidden communicators and other things on the opponent's body.

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