Chapter 42

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After Lu Qingjia's words came out, the classroom was silent for a few seconds.

Including many smart players among them.

Everyone was confused by the convenient conditions created by the too absolute rules at the beginning. At the beginning, few people considered the difficulty of the subject assigned by Ji Ye at all.

Guessing that this is a dungeon of a chaotic battle between players, they are eager to distinguish the enemy, try to figure out the chips, and secretly reach a consensus with the players of the same camp without anyone noticing.

Before Ji Ye left, he specially reminded to abide by the classroom discipline, and gave a "random" question-and-answer mechanism, which most likely warned players not to be violent with NPCs. Sure enough, the first question made everyone realize that even if there were NPCs All questions must be answered, and the puzzles are not so easy to solve.

In the panic, he lost his composure even more.

However, it is rarely noticed that there is no need for coercive methods at all to ask and answer questions among students.

Some players may have thought about this too, but after hearing the filth in this school, they subconsciously presupposed the subjective judgment that these student NPCs were one of the murderers in response to the difficult problem Ji Ye posed.

I decided in my heart that when the NPC realized what the truth was, it would keep silent. The rule of this class is that lying is not allowed, but when you are not drawn for a question and answer ticket, you can refuse to answer the question.

Many people felt like the gutter was overturning at the moment, and a player asked Lu Qingjia with a half-smile: "Okay, everyone is looking for a donkey on a donkey, thinking about things too complicated, but forgetting the method and just thinking about it." Under the nose."

This also has something to do with the arrogance of the players. At this level, after experiencing countless ups and downs, how can they really put a few cannon fodder high school students in their eyes?

Whether it is a hunter player or a gold fisher player, one is morally condescending, and the other is contemptuous on the wrist.

"Brother Lu, tell me, which one is the answer? I asked dozens of questions just now, and I have basically gone through the nine murder cases, but I couldn't find the right one."

Lu Qingjia didn't speak, but Ji Ye was in charge of summarizing and reviewing: "When you found out that the students who knew the knowledge had no clue and were eager to sort out the incident, student Lu Qingjia gained the trust of XXX." No clues are given." Ji Ye smiled: "Sure enough, the absolute conditions will limit everyone's focus." "The teacher is

relieved that Lu Qingjia did not step into the small trap reserved by the teacher, but Get out of the blind spot and look for clues again." "

As a result, he got information from the campus website that the number of dead bodies of faculty and staff did not match the number of corpses in the previous meeting room. Following this information, he learned that a few months ago, the school There was an incident in which a teacher attempted to rape a student and was expelled." "

This incident does not belong to any murder case that XX students remember, because I am afraid that most people in the school do not know that because of meddling The idiot who was expelled by the group has already committed suicide because of the unbearable humiliation."

Ji Ye said, his face became dark and unclear, and he sighed: "Some fools are like this."

"Anyone who is hopeless I am also willing to pour my blood into it, and I am always optimistic about human nature, but I don't realize that there are inherent bad species in this world." "Maybe their

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