Chapter 88

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Seeing that the sharp blade was about to pierce Lu Qingjia's eyebrows, the surrounding players only had time to show expressions of astonishment.

Everyone seemed to have seen the scene of his blood splattering, but when they came back to their senses, they realized that the blade had stopped just a hair's breadth away from Lu Qingjia's skin, and could not advance any further.

A strand of hair at the back of his head grew longer at some point, and wrapped around the blade. The hair was flexible and strong, and the seemingly indestructible blade could not be cut off or broken free.

When the sneak attack failed, the corpse on the ground suddenly opened its eyes, and the blade popped out from its knuckles, and slashed towards Lu Qingjia.

But since Lu Qingjia was able to respond to the unexpected sneak attack, it would be no problem afterwards.

The player's body quickly condensed into a large lump of ice, maintaining an attacking posture, and stopped in place like a statue.

It can be seen that the other party is trying to break free, but apart from the slight movement of the fingertips, there is no way to regain control of the body.

The players around found their breath after seeing this: "Here, he's not dead yet?"

"Why did he attack you?"

As he spoke, he pushed the 'ice sculpture' down, and because of the shock after being frozen, one hand shattered directly after he fell to the ground, splashing aside.

Lu Qingjia unlocked the Frost ability, and a scalpel appeared in his hand, cutting off the opponent's joints and meridians in two or three strokes, making the opponent unable to move.

However, even if it turned into a puddle of soft meat, the opponent still persevered in wanting to attack Lu Qingjia.

Lu Qingjia pressed the opponent's head with his hand wrapped in air bubbles, and the scalpel precisely found a certain place, and cut out a small black bug from inside.

After the bug was separated from the body, the body became silent and completely turned into a dead body.

"Is this planted with a Gu?" A player with a horror game asked. "When did he get the Gu? Why did he stare at Brother Lu and attack?"

Although everyone in the village in this dungeon has the surname Lu, and most of the cursed player characters also have the surname Lu, but unlike Lu Qingjia's coincidence, the other players' real surnames are actually not this.

But everyone is not stupid, and the unlucky ghost who just died is not likely to plant this thing for himself, turning himself into a walking dead thing.

And even if he planted the Gu himself, why didn't he catch Lu Qingjia and attack? Before Lu Qingjia came back, it was not that there were no players who encountered his body because of the inspection, and it was fine at the time, only Lu Qingjia had a problem.

In this way, the matter became obvious: "Who was bewitched by him?"

"The three of us returned to the village yesterday. Except for the wedding at the beginning, we haven't met everyone afterwards, right?" The player of the game said: "After the wedding groom died, everyone dispersed. At night, Mr. Lu heard that everyone had brought everyone into a group, and it was the first time we met online."

"After one night, the three of us One came back as a team, and the few of you still stayed in the city. You all met before that, and you came here in a team all the way, so this is the contact time, right?"

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