Chapter 78

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The richest man was completely dumbfounded.

To be honest, before he lied, he imagined countless possibilities. Even worst, with Lu Qingjia's cleverness, it is not impossible to be exposed in an instant.

These are all within his psychological tolerance.

I thought the other party's reaction was at most questioning or disbelief, right? He had already prepared several sets of arguments in his heart to deal with Lu Qingjia's next doubts.

These are all the results of his thinking all night. For example, Lu Qingjia may have considered all aspects through his own aesthetics, sexual orientation, degree of conservatism, and acting style.

The only thing I didn't consider was that the other party already had a concubine outside, and listen to what that said?

It means that he himself knows that his moral standard is so low that he can play tricks on his feelings at any time for the benefit of others?

"You, you, what are you saying about you? Pipapapai?" The richest man's head was numb.

Lu Qingjia looked at herself deeply for a while, and then said with a smile: "It seems that your understanding of me is still very shallow, and you can't even accept this, so it's impossible for me to cheat on you." She looked around

again In such an environment, I found that I was in a luxurious bedroom. If it were placed in a five-star hotel, it would be at the level of a presidential suite, with a starting price of 18,888 per night.

At this moment, Lu Qingjia has completely preserved the memory of the day before yesterday, that is, the part of taking the train to the employment agency and then realizing that there may be a save point.

But yesterday's memory is still cleared to zero, but the nature of zero and one is different.

He can still figure out the context of things from scratch, and now he has some early memories, and he has deliberated a lot of things immediately.

For example, it must not be the night after the first day of the interview, for example, I must have arranged a lot of things yesterday.

He must have very detailed information retention and plans, like the stupid fool who appeared in front of his eyes.

Although it seems a bit out of my mind, I should have reached a certain level of tacit understanding with myself yesterday. At least in terms of the current direction of action, I trust the other party.

So Lu Qingjia sat up and asked, "Tell me, what do you want to tell me?"

In less than 24 hours, the world view of the richest man collapsed one after another.

First, the woman who was extremely interested took it out and was older than him, and then she learned that the other party had already had a lover.

He was thinking secretly that the man was fine, so he tried to step out of the closet door with one foot, and told him now that it was over.

Ah no, there are still some, do you know about the quota for spare tires?

The richest man was indignant, and stared at Lu Qingjia with red eyes accusingly: "You actually have someone? Why do you recruit me when you have someone?" Before

Lu Qingjia could answer, he went on shouting to himself: " What's so good about a woman? She's so timid and cowardly, you're going through life and death in the game all day long, can she stand it?" "Don't make inertial

choices because of the surrounding environment since you were young, we talked a lot yesterday Happy, why don't you think about looking at men?"

Lu Qingjia: "...?"

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