Chapter 30

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The female ghost estimated that she had never encountered such a situation since her debut.

First of all, this is a novice field, and there are really not many people with strong psychological qualities. Furthermore, when his appearance raised his head, he gave people a gloomy and gloomy visual impact.

When most people see him, they will either be frightened and yell and flee wildly, or muster up the courage to make a desperate fight to offset the fear in their hearts by attacking.

I really turned a blind eye to his face like a blind man, but calmly set him a trap.

The female ghost was anxious, and even though she was twisted into a twist, she didn't care about it and scolded sadly in the curtains: "You bastard is plotting against me." "The

face is deliberately tense to make me feel suspicious and let down my guard, right? Mom It's impossible to guard against it, as expected, ghosts will never be insidious."

Lu Qingjia found the position of the opponent's head, and rubbed his head against the railing repeatedly.

It stopped when there was a cry of pain from inside, and said with a smile: "It sounds like you know a lot, let's go, go to the toilet with me and chat.

" , I don't have the energy to toss around anymore, and when I heard Lu Qingjia's words, I screamed: "You're a hooligan!!!!"

Lu Qingjia said: "I like men."

The female ghost: "Then I don't care about anything Safe?"

Lu Qingjia: "You can question my character, but please respect my taste."

The female ghost choked and muttered a few times, really unconvinced: "How did you know that?"

"Although you have breast augmentation, The facial features have also softened, but the skeleton has always been more prominent than normal women, with an Adam's apple, shoulders that are too broad, the body proportions are male, hands and feet are wide, and the skin texture is not right, even the blind can see it." He said with a nasty smile:

" To put it bluntly, you were born with poor conditions, and it was too late to work hard the day after tomorrow. Moreover, the transgender plan designed for you at the beginning was also very rough."

The transgender ghost was obviously poked at the pain point, and screamed, "It's all the fault of this black-hearted hospital. I'm going to kill them, I'm going to kill them all!!!!"

Lu Qingjia shook his burden a few times while walking: " Silence, these two floors are full of guests, and they are resting with the pain of postoperative pain at the moment, don't disturb them." The

shape-shifting ghost was even more aggrieved: "Why? Why are they treated differently? Those women are human beings. Those who have transgendered are not matched, right?"

He cried aggrievedly, "I also think that I am a woman from the bottom of my heart."

Lu Qingjia smiled, and comforted me softly: "Do you think I have prejudice against transgender people? "

No, you misunderstood, in my opinion, no matter how you look, it is very brave to admit your true gender identity, women who work hard to become their ideal despite prejudice and pain, all exude unparalleled The charm."

"Just like you, your current situation is not your own problem, you are very brave, but most of it is because people castrate their own hearts in order to cater to the approval of unimportant people, and they are ugly and mediocre. You are different. , even if he missed the best time, he still resolutely chose to be his true self. No one has the right to despise this courage.

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