Chapter 58

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"No, the wooden man and the hero who stepped out of the bathroom before me are also the masterminds of this conspiracy."

Lu Qingjia said.

Everyone looked at him. If he had said this before, probably no one would have believed it. But within a few minutes, the other party backhanded himself to prove his innocence and brought out the real culprit. The evidence was clear and sufficient, so that no one dared to refute his conclusion before he finished speaking.

The police hero said: "Do you have any evidence? You must know that the three of them are not from the same company, and their brokerage companies are even opposed to each other. If the paper man attacks the wooden man and wants to frame you, it is reasonable." Lu

Qingjia He said with a smile: "The companies are opposed to each other, but it doesn't mean there is no possibility of cooperation."

"None of the three of them is the trump card that the company is betting on them. Although there is no distinction between high and low abilities, their abilities lack aggressiveness and are quite restrictive. , it is also a fact that you will not go far in the game."

"Sacrificing one or two pieces that were originally hopeless, and pulling down a competitive opponent, the best thing is that the opponent has a special identity, and it can also hit the opponent as much as possible." Doesn't the morale of the company's popular players kill two birds with one stone?"

Lu Qingjia stretched out her hand, pressed it down, and signaled the other party not to speak: "I know, there must be evidence for everything, conspiracy theories without reason are just jokes." "Then let's

see Evidence."

"First of all, in order to frame me in terms of time logic, besides the wooden man, it is also necessary to have a third person present when I go in." "

Otherwise, there will be a lack of witnesses to lock my suspicion in. In just a short period of time, if the time is prolonged, then there will be more heroes listed as suspects based on their abilities, which is not in line with their purpose of precise strikes." "Heroes that exist as 'witnesses',

in the surveillance screen, The timing of entering and exiting must have a certain degree of chance, and I cannot have any personal relationship or contact with the wooden man, otherwise the testimony will be biased, so the other party cannot enter at the same time as the victim's wooden man."

"And the time when I enter the bathroom is unpredictable, which leads to some coincidences that may inevitably happen." "

For example, when I entered the bathroom, the 'personal certificate' hadn't come for long, I was washing quickly, and the other party Make sure to leave before me, and there is enough time for a 'sneak attack' in the air, then the time is not enough." "

That's why the other party came out in less than five minutes."

Someone asked: "Maybe he didn't take a shower. , just go to the toilet." Immediately, someone retorted: "If there is only a

toilet, there is one in the room, unless it is occupied by your roommate and you are in a hurry, you don't need to come out, right? The other party is very unhurried and slow when watching the surveillance, and there is also Holding the toiletries."

"Then what if the other party simply moves quickly? It takes about five minutes for a man to wash his face and brush his teeth."

Lu Qingjia smiled, and turned to the hero who left first: "So you just act quickly Already?"

The other party's eyes flashed, showing a look of suspicion and resentment: "Of course, I'm not as particular as you, it's enough time to wash my face and brush my teeth."

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