Chapter 47

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Only then did he realize that since Lu Qingjia had already locked in more than a dozen people based on this morning's screening.

Well, even if it is to give priority to solving the puzzles of this class, since the remaining dozen or so people don't eat breakfast as soon as they receive Lu Qingjia's message, they stay in the dormitory to sort out the ending and erase clues, so even if there is no clue about their trial Come out, but at least it shows that the remaining thirteen people also know that they have committed an unforgivable big mistake.

According to the classroom standard, they will definitely be sucked into the screen and face consequences more terrible than death, so the rest of these people know that even if they have nothing to do with this class, they will definitely not be able to escape in the future.

Those who would do this would tell Lu Qingjia that none of the fish that slipped through the net were caught this morning.

Now that it has been determined that the other party has done bad things, even if the clues and puzzles have not yet been obtained, it is not difficult to deduce the results of the other party's operations in reverse.

This kind of progress completely exceeded Ji Ye's imagination, because things should not have developed like this.

It should be one by one, follow his guidance and prompts, and gradually solve all the mysteries of this school, so that these evil students can wipe out most of them after experiencing extreme fear and panic.

Maybe a few people can escape and ascend to heaven, but they are definitely close to death. This is the meaning of this game.

But since yesterday, Ji Ye has faintly felt the unexpectedness of this player named Lu Qingjia, and tried to add trouble to him in order to eliminate this uncertain factor as soon as possible.

But I didn't expect the opponent's speed to be so fast. If it was just disrupting the rhythm before, then what the opponent is doing now is tantamount to directly destroying the entire game from the core.

Ji Ye really wanted to refuse, he really wanted the other party to shut up, or forcibly erase this uncontrollable factor.

But no, he has to abide by the rules in the game.

So Ji Ye's face turned ugly: "Oh? What did student Lu Qingjia discover? Let's hear it."

Lu Qingjia smiled and flipped her fingers over the keyboard: "Not yet, but can I ask the teacher to give me ten minutes?

" Crazy what crazy? Even though he wanted to say that, no one could say it out loud, because this guy was so intelligent and close to a monster. After several face-slaps to confirm, no one would doubt his ability. Among them, the smart players also immediately dug out the USB flash drive they got from Lu Qingjia's tablemate, and started a race against time. Because they knew very well that this dungeon might still be able to get some broth, otherwise they, the players, were led by Lu Qingjia to pass the level, the participation and contribution value were not high, and the evaluation would definitely not be good. But at this moment, the students who were having stomach problems had basically all returned to the classroom. They only realized it at this time. Even if they had their own means to spy on the situation in other classrooms, they couldn't confirm who had gone out just now. Naturally, she was one step behind Lu Qingjia. The whole classroom fell into silence, only the sound of keyboard tapping and paper turning could be heard. Ji Ye's face was as dark as ink, but there was nothing he could do. Seeing that the end of get out of class was approaching, he even hoped that the class would run faster, but things backfired. With five minutes left, Lu Qingjia's fingers stopped. He said: "It's over, at least according to the clues we have so far, all the cases that can be found that may be listed as mysteries by Mr. Ji have been found out." He turned the notebook around: "Mr. Ji, do you want to take a look? " But in fact, the moment Lu Qingjia came to a conclusion, Ji Yu would get a reminder, and this reminder is absolute, and there is no possibility of mistakes. He twitched the corner of his mouth: "No need, you can just talk." As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the content on Lu Qingjia's computer was displayed on the screen in the classroom.

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