Chapter 57

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After submitting the flag and confirming that there is no problem, you can go to the 101 seats in the selection area and sit down.

From the order of priority, the conspicuousness of the seats is naturally the closer to the front, the more conspicuous they are. Lu Qingjia is the first, naturally the C seat in the center.

It took him less than ten minutes for the whole process, including the time to enter and exit the venue. This result is too impressive. Even if there are heroes, they are also superior. The process of capturing the flag is easy, but in comparison, his performance is much bleak.

A few minutes later, the second one was holding a flag. He thought he would be the first hero to come back. As soon as he entered the venue and saw that the first seat in the center was already occupied, his face immediately became very exciting.

The hero is also a big hit recently, and his expression management is very good, revealing a layered sense of surprise and loneliness, which makes his fans feel abused again.

After the other party handed in the flag, he sat in the second seat next to Lu Qingjia, with an impeccable smile on his face, but whispered: "In order to grab attention, your company has really spent a lot of money this time." "Why? I

thought Your resources will be more inclined to Bullet, after all, his strength is the most outstanding. Sure enough, being a boss can be self-willed. When you are eliminated, the attention diverted by you wants to be brought back to Bullet. But it's not easy, be careful."

Lu Qingjia smiled: "Just treat me as if I have too much money."


"Don't talk to me all the time?" Lu Qingjia said casually: "Although I I also participated in the competition, but in the final analysis, I am the boss of the hero, and the one who talks to me is your boss." "Now that there are so many

people in the audience, I don't want to be rude and ignore Xiaoyu Xiaoxia. Anyway, I am also a hero in the early days. I Do you think there is such a little wink, why don't you have self-knowledge?"

The other party's face suddenly became ugly.

The third one came back was Bullet. Sure enough, this kind of chaotic brawl, if the sniping against him could not be arranged in advance, there was no way to hinder him.

Directly at full speed, I found the flag in a place that no one had reached for the time being, but on the way back, I ran into a scuffle and delayed a little time.

As a result, when he entered the arena, he saw that there were already two people, one was his boss and he didn't mention the other?

He sat in the third seat on the other side of Lu Qingjia, and said in a strange way: "Your company has spent a lot of money for your achievements." The

second hero: "..."

Lu Qingjia: "..."

Your traffic thinking is so similar ?

The three-hour countdown is coming to an end, and Lu Qingjia, who came back earlier, also took advantage of this convenience to observe the combat habits and styles of the participating heroes throughout the process.

To be honest, although there are competitive opponents, each company has made a list early, formulated a coping strategy, and analyzed the opponent's capabilities and business habits.

But the observation of this kind of chaotic combat is still of great value.

After waiting for three hours, the 101 flags did not correspond to the selection of 101 heroes, on the contrary, there were a few fewer.

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