Chapter 27

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Now that Zhong Liyu has known about entering the game, Lu Qingjia is no longer limited to activities in a small area.

This week, he spared one day to drive to the main city to play with Fatty.

After Fatty came back from him, he was arranged ten rounds of blind dates in a row by his seven aunts and eight aunts.

When I saw Lu Qingjia, I cried on the spot: "Brother, you still had the foresight to go to the foundation early, and then there were not so many pressures."

Lu Qingjia picked up a chopstick and boiled fish. I used to eat it often when I was in college. The fish fillets are smooth and tender, spicy and refreshing. I basically come here once a week.

Because I want to avoid that idiot Zhong Ye, I haven't eaten for a long time, so I have a big appetite.

Lu Qingjia rinsed the fish fillets in the oil dish, and the oil dish was also fragrant. It was seasoned with the store's secret chili sauce and fermented soybeans, and then added some chopped shallots and celery or coriander according to personal taste, and sprinkled some fried crispy chopped peanuts and Soybeans, a spoonful of spicy oil in the fish soup and poured on it, it really has an endless aftertaste. Lu Qingjia ate happily, and smiled at the fat man, "Tell me, after all, you treat me well, and I should

listen to your complaints." The fat man muttered, "My god, what kind of people do the old women in my family know? " If you have a bad temper, that means being righteous and generous, each has its own advantages." " Originally, I came back to look for my spring full of confidence. In my opinion, there is no girl who is not cute. Your brother and I have broad aesthetics, and I have all kinds of styles. I like it." "But do you know who my mother and the others introduced?" The fat man stretched out his finger: "As soon as he came up and sat down, he opened his mouth to ask for half a million gifts and had no dowry. Difficulties make me help his younger brother to go to school and buy a house in the future, and his boyfriend will come to beat me up after eating--no, sister, you have boyfriends, why do you come out to date?"

"That's all. The worst thing is to meet the wine trustee. Are all the unreliable women in this world in the hands of my old lady?" The fat man said with lingering fear: "I'm really scared, I do

n't Do it, one year-no, don't want me to go on a blind date again within two years."

Lu Qingjia looked at the fat man, this guy is not fat anymore, and to be honest, the fat man has not been ugly since he was a child.

When he was young, he was chubby and chubby, and he didn't look greasy when he grew up. He has good facial features, and he is naturally delicate and fresh when he loses weight. He is also kind and sincere. Even if he is a bit off-line, it is not difficult to get out .

Lu Qingjia listened to him complaining for a long time, and finally got up when the fat man complained: "My brother is so miserable, you still eat so deliciously, and you still have a big appetite just to eat with my brother's food?"

Seeing him standing up, the fat man said blankly, "Why are you? Don't eat this? I'm just kidding, you can eat more."

Lu Qingjia came to a table for one person, and there was a person in a white shirt sitting at the table. A delicate beauty with a black bag skirt and a work badge around her neck.

Lu Qingjia tapped on the table lightly to attract the girl's attention. When the girl looked up and saw a handsome guy with outstanding temperament, he immediately lost the discomfort of being interrupted while eating.

Lu Qingjia pointed in the fat man's direction, and said to the girl: "My friend has noticed you for a long time. He said that you are beautiful and have a unique temperament. Once you come in, you can't take your eyes off you." "It's just that he is very shy

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