Chapter 48

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Lu Qingjia suddenly leaned in front of him, his figure suddenly enlarged, and those eyes occupied all of Ji Ye's sight.

Lu Qingjia's eyes are beautiful, if it is normal to look like this, even if it is pasted in, it will not feel anything.

But Ji Ye took a step back abruptly as if seeing something terrifying.

Showing a surprised expression.

Lu Qingjia smiled: "Teacher, why do you want to back off? I think my appearance is fair, so it won't be scary, right? A teacher who is calm and composed even when so many living people explode, why is he making such a gesture now?" "It's still in your

eyes Is there anything unusual about the scenery you saw here?"

The panic on Ji Ye's face was even worse, but he still said in a deep voice: "Stop pretending to be a ghost."

Some players also responded and asked Lu Qingjia, "So you are in the confinement room. What did you find in it?"

Lu Qingjia smiled, and directly switched the screen on the notebook to another file.

"If you're curious, let's watch it together. Anyway, this thing doesn't work for me right now." He said and looked at Ji Ye: "That's why I said, let me graduate just now." Ji Ye's attitude suddenly reversed, and he waved

directly Covering the screen projection, he immediately said: "I see."

"Okay, I agree with your graduation, student Lu Qingjia, congratulations on completing all your studies and officially graduating from today." "

It's late!" Lu Qingjia said: "I give The choice is also time-sensitive."

"Although it's a little uncomfortable to help others for nothing, I'm very happy to see that the person who turned back and forth has an expression like Mr. Ji's now."

He said and clicked on the file in a certain file. For the video, Ji Ye intended to sabotage it, but he had no choice but to do so because of the rules.

All the players here do not need a large screen projection to see the picture clearly, the page of the laptop is enough.

Then they saw a shocking scene.

The picture is pitch black at first, as if standing still in the darkness without a ray of light.

Then there was a little bit of blood, and after the blood disappeared, the camera came to the top, and everyone saw that the blood was the blood that the big man separated his arm at that time.

The camera was cautious, but soon it found that it didn't have to be, because after entering the confinement room, the big man's attention was attracted by something terrifying, and he didn't have time to pay attention to it.

Because after the big man used tools to illuminate the confinement room, he suddenly found that his feet were transparent, and beyond that layer of transparency was a pair of huge eyes.

How big is it? The size of the confinement room is not small, even if it is the size of a bedroom, but those eyes almost cover the entire picture.

Each one has a diameter of more than one meter, as if staring deeply at the strong man, showing its original shape like a monster staring at the abyss, its volume is desperately huge.

The big man was startled, that is, the NPC and players were blown into minced meat in front of his eyes, and the visual impact on him was not as strong as it is now.

He subconsciously tightened his body and made a defensive posture, not daring to act rashly.

At this time, the pair of eyes blinked, and the big man could even see bloodshot eyes, but the other party didn't act rashly, just staring at him like that.

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