Chapter 80

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Those silver watches are about the size of a palm, and each one looks similar. Hundreds of them hang down from the sky, and there is a golden silk thread at the joint.

The silk thread came down from the sky and passed through the clouds. With the eyesight of the two of them, even Lu Qingjia's clairvoyance, they couldn't see the end.

The richest man casually picked up one of the watches, frowned and looked at it for a while: "Some are still walking, and some are stopped, but the distribution is irregular." Then he looked at the front and back of the silver watch and compared: "There is

no Obvious marks."

Lu Qingjia said: "How could there be none."

He pulled several watches over at the same time: "Look inside the dial, the time at three o'clock."

Usually the date is displayed here, but these silver watches only have The grid is the size of a small grain of rice, and the number "7" is displayed on it, so strictly speaking, there is really no difference.

Lu Qingjia said: "What does the number 7 remind you of in this world?" The richest man suddenly realized: "Is

this the number of tickets purchased? "

The number of times has been readjusted to seven times, so the above display is also all seven?"

After talking about the richest man, he hesitated: "Is it a bit far-fetched to guess like this? After all, we can't find evidence to prove it." "

Why not?" Lu Qingjia He said with a smile: "I asked people to restore the initial counts of players, stranded players, and players who became NPCs.

" There are performances."

"The evidence is--" Lu Qingjia looked through thousands of silver watches, and reached out to pull a silver watch hidden in a corner.

The number of times displayed above is different from many silver watches, it is a number '6'.

Lu Qingjia said to the richest man: "You also look for yours, and I didn't ask anyone to adjust your frequency at that time." "

Why?" The richest man asked Lu Qingjia's intention while looking for it: "You can't have guessed it at that time. Is this out?"

Lu Qingjia said: "How is it possible? After the station collapsed, I was able to determine the problem of the watch factory." "It's

just me, the sample is too small, it's not impossible to have a coincidence, but with you If so, the probability is low. Besides, I can't confirm the risk of returning the number of times." The

richest man only felt sour when he heard this: "So everyone, including your teammates, have been pushed out by you to be guinea pigs?"

Lu Qingjia smiled: "I'm not really someone who can trust my back. Of course, it's risky if you want to take a ride with me." The

richest man didn't expect him to admit it so readily, he was silent for a while, and finally said with a smile : "Yes, you really don't look like a player who can develop mutual trust with others." "

But at the same time, you are not the guy who abandons others for the benefit, or pushes teammates to block the knife when the crisis comes People."

The richest man looked at Lu Qingjia and smiled: "Although my customs clearance style is not as refined as yours, but with the blessing of my family environment, people are still up to standard." "A

person like you, although lacking moral restraint, has My arrogance and aesthetics of behavior."

"If you let yourself act cowardly and ugly, it will be worse than killing you."

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