Chapter 85

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The old woman came and went silently. Of course, it is also possible that they were too focused on the cat corpse and the dead baby, so they didn't notice anyone approaching for a while.

In short, the sudden appearance of the other party really shocked the other two players.

The old woman was stooped, but she didn't have a cane. Lu Qingjia noticed the footprints behind her, but they were plain, powerful, and clear.

So he smiled: "Grandma, what's going on?" He pointed to the dead baby on the tree: "I 've

heard that a dead cat is unlucky and cannot be buried. Why is this baby hanging here?"

It seemed to be very new to the three of them. When Lu Qingjia asked her something, she looked at the three of them greedily, and finally her eyes fell on Lu Qingjia.

Hey smiled: "It's a girl after all, it's a merit to be able to appease the mountain god."

Then he said to the three people: "But you don't have to do this evil when you come back."

Lu Qingjia laughed, took a look and tied the dead cat The baby who was with him said again: "But if I were a mountain god, I wouldn't be happy if I provided for me like this." The

old woman's face changed when she heard this: "Shut up, it's a sin. Children are ignorant, offend the mountain god, don't blame it." Don't blame me."

The other party rubbed his hands and bowed around, as if he was afraid of being affected by Lu Qingjia's wild words just now.

Lu Qingjia was also perverted. Instead of shutting up, she stepped on the tree and untied the rope that hung the cat corpse and the dead baby.

"You, what are you doing?" The old woman hurriedly tried to stop her, but was stopped by extreme players and infinite players.

Lu Qingjia dug a hole on the ground in twos and twos, and buried the cat and the dead baby hastily.

Said: "Grandma, listen to me, feudal superstition is not important, not to mention whether it is scary or not, this breeding bacteria and the corpse poison that flows down, anyone who walks through this place with bare feet will have his feet rotten."

Grandma was very anxious: "You little bastards, your fathers and grandparents are beasts who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and the small ones are not good things." "Dig it out and

hang it back, otherwise no one will be able to save you later, mountain god-"

Lu Qingjia Before she could finish speaking, he interjected: "Mountain God?"

He said something, and said in the direction of the village: "We came back because we wanted to discuss something with it."

"I wonder if grandma is free to lead the way?"

Speaking of this, the old woman's mood changed, as if the anxiety just now no longer existed, and she began to look at Lu Qingjia and the others with that rare, tribute-like eyes.

"Come on, come on, come on." While leading the way, he hummed a little tune that looked weird in the setting sun.

From time to time, there is a sentence "Come back, don't go", which is not like a song, but like a song sung at a funeral.

This village is not small, at least according to Lu Qingjia, there are at least two hundred families.

The houses of every household are relatively densely built, although according to Lu's father, the village has been completely isolated from the outside world in order to prevent the escape incidents of young people like those in the past.

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