🕷️ ann34 🕷️

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i observe apollonia curled up in a corner in her own room, with her own bed and toys and bathroom.

what more could she want?! she's got books! dolls!

i really hate when people are stuck in the past.

i press the button to her speaker in her room.

"apollonia, this is where you'll be staying from now on. you'll get used it," i tell her through the microphone that's attached to a thick wire going into the panel of buttons.

she doesn't move or speak.

i sigh.

this is going to take a while.

"i'm going to let you get used to this. dinner will be at seven and we'll bring it to you. then around nine, i have to give you medicine."

her head shoots up at the one way mirror.

"no! no! no medicine! you lie! it makes me sleepy!" she yells.

"it's better you take it willingly then having me force you. you won't like it."

"raya will come. and noonie. even dommy! they'll destroy you!"

"when that day comes, you'll be mine. get accustom to this apollonia. i'm your new mommy."

i get up and leave the room.

do i have the patience for this?

"what's wrong?" borkov asks, stopping and pulling me into him.

"she's a fucking brat," i huff, wrapping my arms around him.

"crazy having another kid again?"

"at least anna was ten, and more well rounded to my liking."

he pecks my lips.

"i'm here. it's not just you doing this."

"i know. i forget from time to time. you want to get some lunch?"

"i'd love to. maybe you'll talk to me," he grins.

"maybe," i smile back, and grab his hand.

we walk to the elevator. i press the cafeteria floor and sigh to myself as borkov holds me from behind.

"you stress to much," he tells me.

"i know i only pissed soraya off, and dominic stabbing her without finishing her off made her anger come with vengeance. i need my three to be good. and not just good, more than good. i need apple. she's key."

"how so?"

"dominic won't be able to take down all three of his kind. he'd for sure lose. throw in apollonia; they'd never want to hurt her. it'll jade them."

"we're blind right now. we've got no clue where they can be going," borkov says.

"we can't worry about that right now. we need to focus on us and how good we can be. with them all, i'd have the world."

"what are they?"

"my mission was to monitor max, dominic, alex and matt. this was after they were released from prison. the government wanted me to keep an eye on them. they want to make sure they can have someone to blame- a fall guy. we never saw him get in contact with soraya. we never saw this coming. but after the evidence was shown to me, i saw how they did it. i don't know how far they've planned it, but each of them are connected to one of america's experiments, so maybe the parents' idea passed down to the children. i don't know. but i wanted them to tell me everything they knew. maybe we could've reversed this. they know how to alter dna. and they don't want to say."

"what if they actually don't know?"

"then what? we say they are not of this world? theirs record of them and their parents and parents parents. they're documented."

"we have no idea how they acquired these powers, and they look like us, sure, but could we have been invaded? dare i ask that dreaded question?"

"you think they're...? why? you want to really ask the question of 'what are they'?"

"i think that's the question we need to be focusing on."

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