💡 persephone49 💡

35 3 0


0 Days Of Max20
5 Days Of Apple Missing

"rise and shine everyone! we have made it to our destination," i hear matt and open my eyes to the bright morning seeping in through the car windows.

juniper sleeps peacefully in my lap and i softly shake her, waking her up.

"goodmorning gorgeous," i grin, "we made it."

she sits up, stretching. she leans over and pecks my lips.

"we made it to mexico," she repeats, smiling.

her eyes hold no awareness at all and i find it absolutely adorable.

"ray, wake up! we're here!" alex yells.

soraya sits up and looks around, rubbing her eye.

"shit. we're a bunch of clever people aren't we?" she asks, looking around.

"you guys haven't seen inside yet," matt tells everyone, unbuckling his seatbelt.

we all get out and look up at the off colored home. it's a two story, with a front balcony. it's reminiscent of a small castle; pretty beautiful.

"a bed is calling my name," alex says, stretching.

matt leads the way, grabbing a spare key that's underneath a heavy potted plant.

he unlocks the door and we walk in.

june grabs my hand and we intake our scenery.

the hallway opens to a foyer. everything looks expensive, and magical.

"EVERYONE BACK THE FUCK UP!" a young girl around our age screams, holding a gun out toward us.

her skin is a rich milk chocolate shade. she's got dark brown braids tied up into a high bun, and she's just a bit shorter than ray.

"woah," alex says, holding his hands up.

"what the fuck-?! soraya peters?! no fucking way. what's this? the group that started the end of the world?" she questions.

"you wouldn't begin to comprehend what the hell's going on right now. you mind putting the gun down?" ray asks, unphased by the events playing out.

"nah, i'm thinking i keep it pointed at you," she spits.

"it's not going to do much," matt chuckles.

"what?" she asks. "who the fuck are you? why are y'all here?!"


important person!

"you! it's you!" i shout, realizing.

i can feel it!

she just feels different!

"excuse me?" the girl questions.

her gun flies out of her hands and into soraya's.

"take a seat," ray smiles, pointing her finger at the girl we're meant to be with, making her fly into the nearest recliner.

"what the fuck?!" she curses, confusion on her face as she tries to get up from the chair but can't.

"yeah, we advise all questions until the end," alex smiles, sitting on the couch adjacent to the recliner.

we all get comfortable in front of this new person. she looks at each of us with confusion and horror stricken expressions.

"you sure seph? she's important?" ray asks. "this is the person?"

i nod.

"i feel it. it's her."

"excuse me?! yeah! explain what the fuck is going on?" the girl interjects.

we all watch quietly as ray reaches to touch her. when she connects, nothing happens.

"what the hell are you on?!" the girl yells, trying to move away from ray's hand.

"so she's not supposed to have powers?" matt questions.

"and, she's not pure," june says.

"i'm sorry? what the fuck is going on?! and can you release me? i'm asking nicely," she says, trying to stand but can't.

"what's your name?" ray asks.

"i said RELEASE ME!" the girl yells.

ray gasps as her eyes close.

the girl stands, free of ray's hold.

i frown.

"the name is veda," she grins at us, wiping herself of her dirt.

soraya comes to and we look at each other.

what the hell just happened?!


veda tuckerplayed by: marsai martinage: 20

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veda tucker
played by: marsai martin
age: 20

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