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Five years later

Morgan's POV

"Have you ever killed a squirrel?" I ask Sage.

We're walking hand in hand through the woods beside our house. We've lived there five years and I only now realised we've never gone on a walk.

We've been walking for at least half an hour, and I'm pretty sure we're going to get lost on the way back home.

"No," Sage says, and I hum. "I hit one with a car once. My grandad cooked it and we ate it for dinner. Well..he did. I threw up" I tell him, and he chuckles.

It's pretty cold out here since it's the middle of Autumn. I have my hat, gloves, and coat on. Sage is fine is just a jumper. I don't understand it.

The good thing, however, is that his cheeks are slightly pink due to the cold weather. It's adorable, and I so desperately want a picture. I think he'd divorce me if I took a picture though.

Thats right. Divorce.

Guess who got hitched!

I smile at the memory, leaning up and kissing Sage's cheek. Well, I try to. I end up just kissing his shoulder.

He laughs, kissing my temple instead.

I look around the woods, taking in the sight. Most of the leaves have fallen from the trees, leaving them bare, while the ground is completely covered in different shades of brown and red leaves.

It's beautiful, and I'm definitely going to drag Sage out here more.

My eyes then land on something in the distance. A small little brown building. A shed.

I stop walking, and Sage looks at me confused. "Is that a shed?" I ask, pointing to where I'm looking, Sage sees it, and we begin walking in the direction of it.

We of course have security up around our house, thanks to Leo and Casey, but we don't have any out here. This would be the perfect spot for an enemy to hide out.

"Take out your gun," Sage tells me, and I do, pulling it out from the waistband of my jeans at the back.

I nearly drop it due to the gloves I'm wearing, and Sage chuckles, taking it off me. He puts me behind him as we near the shed, and stop in front of the door.

Sage opens the door, before quickly stepping inside with the gun raised. After a few seconds, I walk in when it's clear no one was in there.

"There's food wrappers and blanket. Someone is living here" Sage says, nodding his head towards the corner. I see two blankets spread out in the corner and a pile of empty granola bar wrappers in the other corner.

There are also another two unopened boxes of granola bars. "Damn, this person sure likes granola" I mumble, and Sage smiles a bit.

"You think it's an enemy?" I ask, and he hums. "Most likely". I step outside the shed, and he follows.

"I'll go left, you go right?" I ask, and he nods, tossing me my gun. "In twenty minutes, turn around and meet back here," Sage says, and I nod. I go over, pecking his lips before we start walking in opposite directions.


I've been walking for at least five minutes when I come to a steep slope. I sigh, already knowing I'm going to fall.

I begin slowly side-stepping downwards, till I get halfway down and trip over a branch, and tumble the rest of the way down.

I groan, lying at the bottom, staring up at the sky that's filled with clouds.

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