Chapter 7

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Morgan's POV

I'm lying on my bed, my limbs spread out as I stare up at the ceiling.

I'm going crazy.

I haven't even been here for three weeks and I'm cracking up. I miss fresh air. I miss the feeling of the wind blowing on my face, or the feeling of rain on my skin.

I huff, glaring at the window. It's locked, and they never left a key.

I sit up suddenly, confused.

I know how to pick locks. Since when did I ever need a key?

Standing up, I walk over and inspect the lock. It takes me only five minutes to pick it, and when it opens, a big smirk makes its way to my face.

They thought a simple lock would stop me.

Opening it fully, I sit on the windowsill, my legs dangling out of the window while I lean my head to the side. Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh as I feel the cold wind brush past my face.

It's refreshing. It's always so warm in my room. If they're going to lock the windows, they could at least give us a fan.

Opening my eyes, I look at the surroundings. We don't seem to be close to any cities or anything. There's an electric fence around the area, as well as guards-

Woah, they are some big ass guns that they're holding.

Shit. Will they shoot me if they see me?

I suddenly feel eyes on me, and I look around confused. I then spot Sage, standing on the ground staring up at me with a phone to his ear.

I freeze, not knowing what to do.

I quickly climb back inside, closing the window. I glance at him through the window, seeing him still staring at me. I close the curtains, before taking a step backwards.

Was that the right move? Is he going to kill me now?



I hold the punching bag still as Luna punches at it, quite distracted.

It's the next morning, and I can't help but feel completely and utterly terrified.

What if he thinks I was escaping? Or spying on him? The possibilities are endless.

Someone suddenly snaps their fingers in my face, and I jump slightly. Blinking, I see Luna staring at me.

"What's up?" She asks, and I sigh. "You know the window in our rooms?" I ask, and Luna nods. "I opened mine" I whisper.

"Yours came with a key? Lucky" Luna smiles, and I shake my head. "No, I picked the lock".

Her eyes go wide. "Wait, you tried to escape?" She whisper-yells. I shake my head immediately. "No of course not! I was sitting on the window looking out. I just needed some fresh air". She releases a breath of relief, and honestly? I'm flattered she thinks I have the balls to try to escape.

"Okay, so what's the problem?" Luna asks. "Sage saw me" I mumble. "What?!".

People all around us turn to look at us, and Luna slaps a hand over her mouth while I glare at her. "Shut up" I scowl.

"He saw you?" She repeats, looking more panicked than me. Which is very.

I nod. "He was just staring at me on the phone. I, obviously, went back immediately and closed the curtains. Can I get in trouble for that?" I ask. What if they think I'm a spy and I was trying to capture a bird to tie a letter to its foot?

"Okay, we need to stay calm. I'm sure he already forgot about it-..."

She trails off, her eyes landing on something behind me.

"What?" I ask. "Don't look but he's staring at you" Luna mumbles.

I, naturally, turn around immediately.

I see Sage, standing beside Elijah near the wall. Elijah is on his phone, while Sage is staring at me. He doesn't look angry. Or happy. His face is blank as usual.

And that's all I get to see before my arm is being slapped.

"Ow" I scowl, rubbing the skin on my arm that's now stinging slightly.

"I said don't look" Luna scowls, and I roll my eyes. "You can't tell me he's staring at me and expect me not to look!".

She rolls her eyes as well, before looking back behind me. "He's gone" Luna says. I turn, seeing Elijah is standing alone now, still on his phone.

I look around, but dont see Sage anywhere.


"He's so scary" I mumble. "I'm so thankful he's not in love with me," Luna says. I turn around immediately.

"He's not in love with me you idiot". Luna scoffs. "He totally is. He stepped on her hand for you. A sign of true love" She gushes, holding a hand over her heart to add to the dramatics.

"Keep punching the bag. We're here to train, not tell love stories" I snort, holding the bag steady again while Luna laughs.

Around an hour later, Elijah finally tells us we can leave. I walk back with Marlow, careful when I turn any corners after I got attacked by that crazy girl a few days ago.

Marlow is currently bitching about Diego to me. Apparently he is purposely pissing Marlow off because he's, 'an immature fucker'.

I chuckle, and Marlow stops talking. "What's so funny?" Marlow asks. "So far, in the two-minute walk to our rooms, you've called Diego literally every name in the book," I tell him, very amused.

"Fuck off" He mumbles, before walking ahead to his room. I chuckle, going to my own room.

Closing the door behind me, I kick off my shoes and go straight to my wardrobe. Laying out some clothes to change into after my shower, I go to my bathroom but freeze when I notice something stuck to my window.

Walking over slowly, I stare at the yellow sticky note that is stuck to my window, half expecting it to blow up if I so much as touch it.

After a minute of just staring at it, I finally pull it off and read it.

'It's locked for a reason'

I know it's from him. I look around my room that's thankfully clean.

He was in here.

Oddly, I'm not creeped out by that. What the fuck is happening to me?

I notice the window has another lock on it, one that I know I can get through easily. And something tells me he does too.

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