Chapter 9

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My Biggest Secret Chapter 9

Evan's POV:

As the man pulled out the gun and pointed it at Jenny's head I knew this was serious.

"Now nobody move or else the doll here gets hurt," he said.

I heard the safety click from the gun get turned off. I looked at Jenny and she had fears in her eyes. Her beautiful baby blue ocean eyes. God damn it it's no time for me to get distracted right now.

"Now me and doll face here are going back to my place and I'm going to fuck the life out of her," he said and she whimpered.

Who the hell is this guy and why is he so persistent.

"Maybe or maybe not she's coming back alive it really depends if she pleases me well," he said and laughed crazily.

He slowly started to back away from us as he's dragging Jenny along with him. I don't know what to do. He has the upper hand here in this situation. One wrong move and it could be the end of Jenny.

I don't know what would happen if Jenny was taken right now. I mean she could die right now and the guy wouldn't even care. He probably have her even though she might be dead.

"No please don't take me," Jenny cried out and it pulled me out of my thoughts.

I can see Jenny resuming her struggle as she tried to get away from the man. I can see the determination on her face as she tries to break free. That face that cute face. God damn it Evan focus on the issue that's in front of me.

"Stop struggling you bitch," he said and tried to keep a stronger grip on her.

I can see that Jenny is trying really hard to get away from the man and back to us. I knew this was my chance and I slowly starting to inch my way towards him. He doesn't seem to notice as he is trying to get a better hold of Jenny.

I can see the look on his face that he's already willing to just give her up. But then a smirk appeared as he got a tighter grip on his gun. There was no time to lose I had to act fast.

I looked back at Cartoonz and I could see he's seeing every move that Jenny makes. He takes a couple of glances at me and I can see the look in his eyes telling me that this was my chance. I slowly started to move behind them waiting for the moment to attack.

"You know what I don't even need you I can find other women who would want to do this," he said and she just kept struggling.

"Then let me the fuck go and I can go be with my friends," she told him angrily.

"I can but then you guys would rat me out so their mustn't be any witnesses now," he said all happily and it really freaked me out.

It probably freaked out everyone since all of their eyes were widen. I couldn't tell what Jenny was feeling as I was now behind both of them.

"I think I will just shoot everyone here and walk away Scott free," he said and laughed.

The guys started yelling trying to reason with the crazed man but nothing was working. He just kept on laughing and laughing and I can see he was struggling again.

"Hey where the fuck is the Asian man," he said finally noticing that I wasn't with my friends.

The guys go quiet not wanting him to know where I had gone.

"Well where the fuck is he," he said again and all he got was silence.

"So that's how it's going to be," he said and I could see that he out the gun back at Jenny's head.

"Tell me where the fuck is the Asian man or else Doll face here gets an early grave," he said.

I could hear her whimper and I knew it was time. I jumped the man bringing his arm back. He let go of Jenny and turned around to face me. I see the anger in his face and now we struggled for the gun. I could hear the guys cheering me on.

I couldn't tell who was winning but it was a struggle to the end. I couldn't tell which way the gun was facing but me and the man had been struggling for it. Then suddenly.....


Yeah I did some things. Don't hate me ;-; but it was necessary. Totally *hides* well also on the news I wrote a new H2OVanoss story

It's called the Journal. It's a Collab with someone who I would considered as my little sister so check it out ;)

Anyways as always

With lots of love *please don't hate me* 💛



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