Chapter 39 Part 2 Ending 2

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My Biggest Secret Chapter 39 part 2

Okay so the chapter before was sending 3 and Evan died. So this part is Ending 2 the second highest in votes. Enjoy.

Jenny's POV:

I can't believe it I won I actually won. I managed to put the man who caused me so much pain behind bars. I won't have to deal with that fuck face anymore. I gave my friends a hug and we were deciding where to go and eat.

"JENNY WATCH OUT," Evan screamed and I was about to ask what when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

I look down and I see that my clothes where starting to turn to red. Huh since when did I get food dye on my clothes. I gasped at the pain and I fell to my knees. I looked back at my friends with their shock faces staring back at me. I strain to put a smile on my face before I let darkness take over.

Evan's POV:

Everything happened so fast. One moment I have Jenny a kiss on the lips congratulating her for putting him behind bars, when suddenly I noticed that Derrick had pulled out a gun pointing straight at Jenny.

I screamed at Jenny to move out of the way and tried to push her but it was to late. The shot was fired and it went through her stomach. She had a shock look on her face and stared down at the red spot that was forming.

She fell to her knees and stared back at us. I don't really know what to say as a small smiled had formed on her face before she collapsed forward. I quickly ran to her side making sure she wouldn't face plant on the cold floor. I turn her around so she was laying on her back.

I heard Derrick laugh and then the words he said started to haunt me.

"I make sure that no one ever lives when they're with me, she is no exception."

They then forced him down on the ground. They had to get six guards to transport him out of the courtroom as he was a very strong man. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind but I needed to be here for Jenny. Her breathing slowed down dramatically as the paramedics arrived.

They had to practically force me to let go of her. I cried as they put her on the stretcher and started to roll her out. They were yelling saying that they need a cloth to stop the bleeding as the bullet went through. I got up and chases after them wanting to go to the hospital with her.

"Okay we only need one person now hurry," they said as she was loaded in.

I didn't even let Cartoonz say anything as I got in the ambulance. I gave him a look saying I'm sorry as they closed the door. They turned on the lights and started to go. The worker immediately starts to work on her. He connects an iv to her and her heart is beating slowly.

I just stared at her face as she's in pain. We stopped and I realized that we reached the hospital. I held her hand as they rushed her to the ER. They told me I had to wait, and I had to sadly let go of her hand. I sat in the waiting room. I've been there for 30 minutes before the others have arrived.

"Is she okay?" "What happened?" "Is she done?" And many more were asked from them.

"I don't know they took her and I've been here waiting for news," I said and they nod.

We didn't have to wait long after that as a nurse came out with a grim look on her face. She asked for the shot victim and we all blanched at that. Cartoonz stood up and said that they were here. I don't think I ever been happy since that day.

"I'm sorry we tried really hard but she lost to much blood and she didn't make it."

I broke down crying which shocked most of my friends. I lost the love of my life. I had finally got them to be mine only to have life take her away from me. Is life still punishing me for everything that I ever done. Is it telling me that I'm never going to be happy.

The funeral was held a week later and Luke decided that it would be best to burry her here in Maine. I know she wouldn't like that but it's the best we could do in s short notice. I said my final goodbye before I went to LA by myself.

I sat in my recording room looking at the camera in front of me. I gripped the gun I had in my hand before I turned it on. I can see that it was on and I took a deep breathe. I hit the record button knowing this would be my last video ever.

"Hey guys Vanoss here and I have to say that this year has been nothing but torture to me. The good thing was I final got to meet Jonathan in real life. Yeah me and him are very tight. But I'm sadly to say that Jonathan was shot to death on September 30, 2015."

"Some man just came and shot him for no reason but luckily he is behind bars. I just want to say yeah the Fanfics were real. Yes I fell in love with Jonathan Dennis and we started to go out the day before he died. Yeah life is cruel maybe I did something wrong to deserve it but I don't care."

"But this video has a deeper meaning to it as I'm saying goodbye. Goodbye to you and everyone whose been with me for the longest times. But with this gun I'm going to see him again. Once this trigger is pulled it would end the video and be uploaded."

"Goodbye everyone and if you ever want to know how Jonathan ever look like. Keep on guessing because that will be My Biggest Secret."

I took a deep breathe and pulled the gun to my head. I pulled the trigger and then everything went dark.

Well that happened no happy ending for neither of them. God I'm such a cruel person T~T lol anyways yup next chapter is the last and final chapter OMG

This book ends with a nice bang so next chapter was the Original Ending I planned out for this book. I hope you guys had you're feels

With lots of love 💛



Word Count: 1125

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