Chapter 28

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My Biggest Secret Chapter 28

Evan's POV:

We waited for an hour before Cartoonz and Jenny had came out of the her room. I looked at her and I could see her bumbling self when she first met us. We got up and went walking to her. I then saw the look on her face go completely blank.

"Hey Jenny I'm so glad you're okay," I said reaching out to touch her.

But that was a mistake. Before I could lay a hand on her she screamed. She backed away from me and the others and started to mumble on the lines of her being sorry and that she was good.

Luke went to her side quickly and pulled her into a hug. We watched in horror as she just kept screaming and balling her eyes out wanting to be away from us and that she was being good.

I retracted my hand and took a couple of steps back. I didn't want to see her like that. I mean she's Delirious for fucks sake. He's the happy go lucky person who doesn't take anything for shit. And yet he is Jenny.

Jenny the one who doesn't let any guys in her way. Who isn't afraid to take a challenge. Who survived a gun shot wound and loved to tell the tale. Who wasn't afraid to be Delirious and keep her secret safe.

But looking back at this panic driven girl. I made her like this. I made her tell us her biggest secret and I made her run away.
She met that asshole Derrick and was taken away for months.

I deserve the treatment she's giving me, but yet why isn't she afraid when Cartoonz touches her. She enjoys his contact and just his aura of protectiveness. Why does she feel this way when she looks at us?

"Sorry guys she really doesn't like it when guys touch her and I don't know what the guy did to make her feel this way," Cartoonz said looking at us in sympathy.

"Maybe she should go to therapy they can help find out what she's been through and what we could do to make her back the way she was," Dially said and Cartoonz nodded his head.

"But it's not our fault this fucker made her like this," Marcel said crossing his arms.

Jenny turned her head to the noise and she stared at Marcel. It was like she was trying to figure something out about him. She breaks free from Cartoonz hold and just kept staring at Marcel.

Jenny's POV:

I stared at Marcel. I tried to connect him back to my memories I've had from my visit and I don't ever remember him coming in. Was he not there when the others did to me. Surprisingly it was pretty much everyone who was at the Truth and Dare showed up.

I shook my head side to side to get my mind out of the gutters. My mind brought me back to a time where I had first me Marcel as myself. I hadn't made the change to become Delirious and he doesn't know that I was the same person.

I remember how close we were before I had suddenly moved away or lost all of my equipment. I felt myself tear up as I wish I had told him sooner that I was really Jenny. I walked closer to him and I felt everyone staring at me.

I felt like running back to Luke to get away from all the states but I have to do this. I stood in front of him and I stared into his brown eyes. I did something that surprised the both of us.

I hugged him. I felt him tense and then wrap his arms around me. I felt safe in his arms and I let myself ago. I cried in his arms as it felt good to be back with people that I know, or at least that I thought I knew.

"I missed you Mar Mar," I whispered to him making me grasp me tighter.

"I missed you too Jen," he said and I just ignored the world behind me.

It was just me and Marcel and I'm glad he was here. I don't think that Luke would be strong enough to protect me from all of them. I know why I'm afraid of them. They know what they did and yet part of me believes that they didn't do it.

I broke from the hug and he smiled. I smiled back knowing that he doesn't mean harm I look back at the others and they have a look of shock.

"Can we leave Luke I would like to talk about what happened somewhere else," I said making his eyes wide.

"Okay do you want all of us here or," he said but I cut him off.

"No just you, Marcel, and Dially the others should know what happened," I said angrily making there eyes widen.

"Wait what," Mini said as I went back to Luke.

"We weren't there what the hell," Tyler said and I covered my ears.

"Yeah we were all home worried about you," Brock said and I shook my head.

"Jenny please understand," Evan said and my eyes went wide.


"Jenny please understand," Evan said as he crawled on top of me.

~End of Flashback~

"NO," I screamed backing away from them.

"Please no I do understand please don't do this," I said as the everything turned back to the house.

"Jenny where not going to hurt you," Evan said but I don't believe them.

They said this all before. They made believe they wouldn't hurt me and when I trusted them they did things. They did horrible things. Stuff I don't remember and don't want to remember.

I don't know what Derrick did to me but he gave me something that made me forget some things. He said that I was too broken and need to fix me. The dream I had..... I never remembered that.

I never remember being raped by Tyler. I feel like the more I sleep the more I remember. I feel so draining. I just want to sleep more. But I can't and I won't.

"That's what you said before please leave me alone," I cried out wanting to go now.

"You guys can walk back to the hotel. Me, Dially, and Marcel will take her back so she can calm down," Luke said pulling me to him.

"Alright see you then," Evan said sadly.

I started to walk with Luke as he is leaving. I don't want to be alone with them. It's like leaving me with Derrick who knows what they could do. I can only remember a part of it.

I get in the nice comfortable van and I feel so tired but I must not fall asleep. But I can't help but close my eyes and soon I fell into a slumber. One that I wish I hadn't dreamt of.

Hey guys sorry for a shorter chapter than the last but time is a rushing. Yes and I checked the polls and turns out Ending 3 is winning.

So I'm gonna let you vote here. Comment either Ending 1, 2, 3, or 4 and I'll count up the votes by the next chapter. So yeah Next Chapter I'll tell you what ending won

Please vote I need it NEED IT

With lots of love 💛



Words Count: 1253

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