Chapter 39 Part 1 Ending 3

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My Biggest Secret Chapter 39 Part 1

Okay so yes the part 1. The part 1 is necessary for the three endings this book has. I decided to take out Ending 4 but This part is Ending 3 the one with the most votes. I hope you enjoy 💛

Evan's POV:

I can't believe Jenny won. I knew she would but still I'm so happy for her. I give her a big hug and a kiss as she made her way back to us. As she was talking to the others I suddenly felt the air tense and I looked around. I looked at Derrick to see he had a gun pointing straight at her.

"Jenny lookout," I screamed as I pushed her out of the way.


Jenny's POV:

The gunshot was loud and clear and I was shocked at what had just happened. I look over at Derrick to see that he was tackled to the ground by the officers in the courtroom. I looked back over to Evan to see he was on the ground not breathing.

"EVAN," I screamed going to his body that was bleeding on the floor.

I looked into his eyes that were turning grey. I looked at his chest to see that the bullet had hit directly in his heart. I sobbed putting my face on his stomach and grabbing his shirt.

"Why the fuck did you do that?! Why the fuck did you take the shot for me," I screamed out knowing that he wouldn't respond.

"Why did you leave me after I had just gotten you," I said softly as I heard sons coming from our friends.

"No don't take me away from him," I screamed as I felt arms grab me.

"Jenny he's gone there's nothing you can do," Luke said making me shake my head.

"I don't care but I need to be by his side," I said as I was forced away from him.

"NO EVAN PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME DONT LEAVE ME," I cried out as the paramedics came to take him.

"Fuck," I said and then cried into Luke's arms.

He rubs my back in comfort as I sought into his protectiveness. I look at Derrick to see him smirking at me as he's being taken away. He ruins my life by taking me from my friends and family, made me believe they caused my pain, made me terrified of them, and killed the man that I love.

I won't ever forgive him this. He should rot in hell for what he had done today and in the past. Guys like him deserve to be put to death and yet life sentence will haunt him because he wouldn't be able to be free. I look back sadly at Evan's body as they covered him up. I'm sorry Evan I failed you....

~Five years later~

I sat in the living room that I now share with Luke and Dially. He decided that I wasn't ready to be by myself yet so I've been staying with him. A month after Evan was shot and killed we held a funeral for him. YouTube was kind enough to pay for everything as they lost one of their biggest channels.

We invited his family and many other Youtubers who he had played with. That moment I didn't go as Delirious, but it still meant the same. I cried as I watched his coffin go in the ground and they buried him.

Everyday after that I went to his grave to just be in his presence. A month after the funeral I found out that I'm pregnant with his child. I held my stomach knowing that I won't give up the baby. Dially helped me being a mom as she took a nursing class about babies.

When it was time, I gave birth to twins. A boy and a girl. The boy was the oldest and I named him Brandon, while I named his sister Ashley. I stared at my children knowing that me and him could have been a happy family.

"Momma momma,"'I heard they call me outbid my flash back.

I look down to see that Brandon was a carbon copy of Evan except he had my eyes. Ashely looked like me but she had Evan's eyes. I smiled at them and picked them both up and sat on the couch.

"Momma momma can you tell us about daddy again," Ashley said excitedly.

"Por favor Mamí digúe nosotros de Papí," Brandon asked preferably like to talk more Spanish than English. (Please Mom tell us about Dad.)

"Okay okay esta bien I'll tell you," I said making them smile really big. (It's fine)

Now I tell my kids story about their dad and how they saved my life from the evil monster. They love it when I tell it to them as they always come to me to tell it to them whenever I have the chance.

"Uncle Luke came to save you from the bad man first right," Ashley said and I nod.

"That time I was afraid of you're father because I thought he was the bad man," I said and they gasped.

"But then you found out the truth right Mamí," Brandon said and I nod.

"Yes it took sometime before I finally learned the truth about what the bad man did. He put a spell on me to against you're father," I said.

"Then you have Daddy a big hug to have us right," Ashley said making Luke chuckle as he came into the room.

"Of course a very big hug," he said.

"UNCLE LUKE," they screamed and jumped to him.

"Hello kids how are you," he asked.

"We're good uncle Luke we were listening to Mommas story," Ashley said and he nods.

"As I was saying the day of the trial the King found him guilty of all charges. He was going to the dungeons. But before they took him away he tried to kill me but you're father jumped in the way killing him," I said and they had tears in there eyes.

"I was sad that I lost my prince but I found out I have you two and so the stork came and brought you to me reminding me that he is with us today," I said and they smile.

"Do you think Papi is watching us now Mami from the heavens," Brandon asked and I smiled.

"He is watching over all of us making sure where happy," I said and I looked out the window.

I smiled as I saw his face looking back at me. He smiles back at me as he catches me staring. He winks at me and I can read from his mouth. "I'll see you in your dreams Princess. I love you." I'll see you then Evan. I love you, and I wondered if he would still be alive if I had told him my biggest secret.

Well Evan died but it had a sort of ish happy ending. She had twins EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

LOL yeah But Evan died so yeah. This was the top picked vote and part 2 and 3 will be posted soon lol

With lots of love 💛



Word Count: 1209

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