Chapter 34

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My Biggest Secret Chapter 34

Jenny's POV:

~A Week Later~

The week hasn't been that productive. We just spent most of the time sight seeing what Maine had to offer. But to be honest I hated most of the time we spent here. I already spent six terrible months here and I just want to go back home.

I never really talked to Dially about her mom but it's probably something I shouldn't tell her. I've hadn't had a nightmare about Daniella but plenty of other things. Some things that aren't worth mentioning....

I bounce excitedly as we are seated in our plane to North Carolina. Going back to the place that I have grown up with. No one ever hurts me back at home. I felt someone sit next to me and I tense for a bit. I look over to see Mini sitting next to me.

"Hey Jenny I guess they sat me with you," he said rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah I guess so," I said softly not comfortable with Mini sitting next to me. But it's just a two hour flight but just the thought of- no Jenny this is not the same Craig when I saw him before.

I think it's very awkward as he stares away from me and looks in the aisle. I don't want it to be awkward but suddenly I felt so sleepy as the plane was taking off. I closed my eyes and I let my sleepiness take over.

~Some Nap time Later 2hrs~

"The plane is now descending please fasten your seat belts," I heard the captain said as I opened my eyes.

My head was laying on something softer than I had originally laid on. I look to see where I was laying on and I see that I was shoulder. I look up to see Mini looking back at me.

"Ahh did you have a good nap Jenny," he said as a blush formed on his cheeks.

"Yeah I did," I said as I sat down properly.

"I didn't want to move you're head because you seemed comfortable laying there," he said and I nod.

We both go quiet as I think about the dream I had. It wasn't a nightmare but a memory of the past before all of the shit that happened. It was mostly about Pax East and the panel.

It was amazing watching them go at it and then remembering the sex countries that Mini had went too. They never let him down for that. I smiled as I know that was a step to getting better.

The plane landed and Mini helped me get my things off from the department on top. I followed him out where I met with Evan, Tyler, Brock, Luke, and Dially. Luke gave me a quick hug and lead me away from Craig.

"So I suppose we could all live in Jenny's house since I don't know why you decided to get a 6 room house," he said and I scoffed.

"What I need a lot of space," I said making him role his eyes.

"Your only using two of those six rooms," h said making me role my eyes.

"What if I had guests so take that bitch," I said making them laugh.

There was only five spaces in Luke's truck so I decided to sit in the trunk of his truck.

"Are you sure you want to do that," Evan asked worriedly but I just smile.

"Of course people know me here and they let me," I said making Evan nod hesitantly.

So as he's driving 50 to 60 miles per hour I feel the wind rush in my hair. The breeze feels nice on my skin and I could only get this here in North. Probably in some other places but here they let me do it.

I grip tight as he makes a sudden stop. I've gotten used to his crazy driving as I've always done it. I remember crashing face first to the floor of his trunk. Boy did his mom tell us off for that. He pulled his truck in my drive way and I jumped out.

I quickly walk to the door and check to see if it was lock. It was surprisingly open and I see Mrs.Jenkins inside feeding Chris my pit bull.

"Hello Mrs.Jenkins," I said getting her attention.

"Oh Jennifer I was wondering when you were returning home Luke said you had to go on vacation longer and would return for a while I didn't think he meant six months," she said making me rub behind my head.

"Sorry about that thank you for taking care of him," I said as he came to me happily.

"Glad to help good bye Jennifer," she said as I rubbed his head affectionately.

"Goodbye Mrs.Jenkins," I said and she left the house. The others came in and Chris barks happily.

"So there are only three rooms currently since Dially and Luke will be sharing one," I said and they looked at each other.

"I guess me and Mini will be sharing one," Tyler said and I gave a curt nod.

"Okay then there's three rooms down here and three rooms upstairs I guess it would be best if the guys stayed down here since my room is upstairs and Luke would probably want to be close to me and my recordings room is up here too," I said and he nods.

We all get situated in our rooms and I jump on my bed sighing happily and cuddling up next to Teddy. I'm really going to enjoy this time I have here in North.

Hey guys a quick chapter because I've been busy and just mehhhhhh. Do some Mini and Jenny bonding time and next chapter will be some more of the bonding.

Yeah the next couple of chapters will be Jenny bonding with whoever I choose and then the big finally. Yes the ending is coming.

Anyways with lots of love 💛



Word Count: 1009

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