Chapter 38

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My Biggest Secret Chapter 38

September 30, 2015
District Courtroom #3
9:55 am

(Lol Had to do it props to who knows where I got that from)

Jenny stood in the courtroom feeling nervous about what's going to happen. She really doesn't know how to feel about this as she had started to get better from the effect a Derrick had done to her, drug induced and all.

Evan stood by her side hugging her whispering that everything would be alright even with the doubts he had been feeling as he entered the courtroom. He knew that this wouldn't be a hard trial to win and yet if they lost it could be the end of everything.

He looked over to Derrick who had a confident look on his face. Evan just stared him down to where he smirked back at him. Even just shook his head and kept a tighter grip on his Jenny. Evan blushed the thought of Jenny being his but it's a reality he lives in.

Derrick looked over the couple and he sneered a bit at how cuddly they were together.

"Haha but I took her first so me and her will always have that," Derrick thought as they kissed each other.

"This court room is now in session is the defense and prosecutor ready," the judge said.

"The Prosecution is ready your honor," Miles said (double points) standing for the Prosecution.

"The defense is ready your honor," Lardy, the defense attorney, stated.

"Good the prosecution may begin," the judge said.

And so the beginning of the end was happening. Miles began his argument that Derrick was a kidnapper and a murderer. He kidnapped young women and would kill them after some time. They had no proof of the bodies but they had Jenny the sole survivor of the situation.

The defense argued that they had no proof that he was the killer other than the claims of Jenny who was drugged most of the time. They claimed that she couldn't be a good witness as her information could be wrong.

"I don't care what the defense claims if she witness this she has to speak," the judge said cutting off the Defense.

"Yes your honor," Lardy said quieting down.

"The prosecution would like to call Jennifer Dennis to the stand," Miles said and Jenny took a deep breathe before getting up.

"Please state you're name and occupation," Miles asked.

"I'm Jennifer Dennis and I'm a Youtuber," she stated.

"If you don't mind if I ask but what's your YouTube channel name," the Judge asked making Jenny tense.

"I don't feel comfortable answering that," she said and Judge nods.

"You may proceed," he states.

"Okay Jenny can you tell how you met this man," Miles asked and she nods.

"I met him at the Pax East Convention in Boston. I was going to the Youtuber panel when he tried to hit on me. My friend Brock came and saved me from him and I didn't see him until the carnival incident," she stated taking a deep breathe going down memory lane.

"That's bullshit," Derrick claimed making Jenny flinch.

"The defendant will be quiet as the story is going do I make myself clear," The Judge's voice boomed out making Derrick nod his head and sit back in silent anger.

"Jennifer what happened at the Carnival," Miles asked.

"My friends and I, we went to the carnival because why not it was fun to do and I got lost in the Mirror Maze. I ran into Derrick once again and he was going to take me back to his place for a fun time. My friends caught up to us at the parking lot where he pulled a gun out and threatened to kill me. My boyfriend Evan, who at the time wasn't, got behind him and struggled to the point where I was shot and had to be taken to the hospital," Jenny said and Evan smiled at the boyfriend part.

"Can we ask how did you get kidnapped," Miles asked and she nods.

"Something happened the night before the last day where I wanted to go home. I ran into him while fleeing and he just took me from there. He said he would kill me if I ether ran away from him or call for help. We went to the airport to cancel my flight and we headed to the train station. I managed to get away and call my friend Luke where he caught me again and took me on a train to Maine. That's the last time I saw my friends," she said holding back the tears from that day.

"Can you explain some of the things he did when you were kidnapped," Miles asked knowing it would be a very touchy subject. Jenny took a deep breathe knowing this is where it all ends.

"When I first arrived I was tortured for making my kidnapping difficult to do. Then a week later, he drugged me into believing that my friends where sexually assaulting me. He did this whenever I was in trouble and it had lasted for three months when I finally broke. I became the person who he wanted me to be. Someone who would do anything he would say without question. The last three months of my stay, he would bring new victims until the FBI came and set me free," she said and Miles nodded in sympathy.

"You don't mind me asking who were the victims that were taken," the Judge asked making Jenny sob.

"I only bothered to remember one as she almost had set me free," she said and the Judge nods.

"Her name was Daniela Jefferson," Jenny said making Dially gasp in the audience.

"Do you know who she is lady," Miles asked her.

"She was my mother," a Dially said softly bringing tears into her eyes.

"I don't need to hear from the defense as I know all he would spout is lies," the Judge says making Lardy yell out.

"I find the defendant Guilty, of first degree murder, kidnapping, sexual assault, and escaping," the Judge said making the crowd of friends cheer.

"No this wasn't how my story was supposed to end," Derrick cried out as an officer tried to take him away.

He punches the guard and takes his gun out pointing it at Jenny who was with her friends cheering.

"Bye bye Doll Face," he said taking of the safety.


Hurray for Cliffhangers. And also can't you believe it this is chapter before the ending. OMG. It's over and I'm just like wow. I never really expected this book to go this long so hype for Endings :D

With lots of love 💛



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