Chapter 33

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My Biggest Secret Chapter 33

Jenny's POV:

I eat in silent as I have the big question in my mind. Should I tell my fans that I'm really a girl. Man that's going to ruin a whole lot of fanfictions that were written about me.

I know Moo can tell that I want some peace and quiet as he eats silently too. I bask in his attention as I feel bit protected from the outside world. I know o should get over it, but no one said I couldn't do it slowly.

We finish the food and I left a five dollar tip. Brock gets the receipt before I can and walk towards the cash register.

"Brock I can pay for it," I said and he laughs.

"Yeah I know he probably gave you back your credit cards but I want to pay for it, so my treat," he said and I nod.

Jessica stood at the cash register and smiled at us. She took the receipt and asked if their service her was okay. Brock said it was and then paid the lady. We got a new receipt and we left IHOP.

I looked at my watch and I see that it's now 7:36. Luke is probably awake by now wondering where I am. I probably scared his pants off because of my sudden disappearance. Just like when I was planning on going back home six months ago.

In a couple of days I can finally go back home and enjoy my life their far away from him. I only have to deal with him at the trial. After that I can live my life again maybe with Evan by my side this time. I blush at that thought and Brock noticed it.

"Oh who are you thinking about that's making you blush," he said as I just shook my head.

"It's no one you need to concern yourself with," I said and he smirks.

"Is it a certain CanAsian," he said and I looked away.

"I'm right aren't I," he said cockily and I nod my head.

"Why don't you just tell him," he said and I looked down.

"It's not that simple Brock," I said and he nods.

"I know but I'm rooting you on," he said as we reached the hotel.

"Thanks," I said as we walked in.

The first few steps I walked in the Hotel was Luke suddenly running towards me. I screamed a bit when he suddenly pulled me in for a hug.

"Don't you ever fucking leave the room without telling anyone where you were going," he said and I relaxed a bit.

"I'm sorry Cartoonz I was hungry and Moo was the only one awake," I said as he releases me.

"Just wake me up you know and I'll take you anywhere," he said and I nod.

"Well since you ate already how about we go out and eat Luke just me and you," Dially said and I smile at her.

She knows that I don't need him most of the time and I'm capable being by myself most of the time. He looks has this look of debate but he finally sighs.

"Alright Dia but Jenny be safe alright," he said and we both nod.

"Bye Luke, Bye Dia see you when you guys come back," I called out as they left the hotel room.

"So Jenny wanna play something upstairs I brought an extra laptop," Brock said and I smiled.

"Hell yeah," I said excitedly and we went to the elevator.

Sorry for the short chapter I'm going to skip somethings and just move on a couple of days. I'm losing concentration but I promise for longer chapters next time.

Anyways 14.4k just wow thank you all so much I really appreciate the love and follow of this story from the first chapter to now. Sorry for the long updates as well writers block sucks.

Also I have started to write a new book and I'm already to chapter 8 should I post it now? Because my plan was to wait until I was almost finished with it. Tell me what you think I should do?

Anyways with lots of love 💛



Word Count: 708

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