6 | I Love The Rooster

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I Wanna Be Yours By Artic Monkeys

"Secrets I have held in my heart, are harder to hide than I thought

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"Secrets I have held in my heart, are harder to hide than I thought."




JJ sat in the front seat of John B's van as they drove back from Scooter Grubs house. "That was crazy, something definitely was wrong."

"Yeah, poor Ms. Lana," he sighed, and narrowed his eyes, "those guys were the same ones that shot at us in the marsh.".

"Yeah, they'll probably try to find us next," JJ scoffed, "see if I had my gun-"

"Not the time." John B shook his head, "text the others, to meet at the cheateau in 20. And we can pick up, VJ, since we're passing right by the Del-V."

"Got it, bro," JJ texted everyone, but after a few moments of silence went by; he knew John B didn't want to talk about, so he knew it was best to change the subject.

The blonde then started laughing making the other boy look over at his friend, "why are you laughing?"

"You should have seen your face- your face was like," JJ made a scared face between his laughs, "when I scared you this morning."

"Really JJ," John B rolled his eyes as he drove, "Kie would have slapped you-"

"Speaking of- I don't understand why you don't at least try with Kiara. She clearly likes you, she's like, oh, John B," JJ tried making a girls voice.

John B laughed as he looked over at his blonde friend, "oh, is that what she does?"

"Low-hanging fruit, bro. Don't pretend you don't notice; I see it in your eyes." JJ pointed at his friend, "you're like, I kinda like that, and you start blushing."

"I blush?"




"Oh, speak for yourself," JB scoffed, "you're a fool whenever VJ, is around. No offense to her, I think she's smart and good to have around, and in the group. But, I know there's way more to why you wanted her in the group."

"She has an amazing uppercut, I mean, have you seen Topper's face?"

"Stop avoiding, dude." JB shook his head, "but I do agree."

"She's a good additional," JJ shrugged.

"Says the guy that's like jello around her," JB scoffed, "I gotta say. I've never seen you like this for a girl, she's not any girl, huh?"

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