7 | Graveyard

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Babydoll by Dominic Fike

"I can't move on, baby doll

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"I can't move on, baby doll."



Y/N sat in the back of the van, hours after they ran or drove away from the cops. It was late that night; Pope and JJ, as JB drove, and Kie sat in the front seat.

"So, does this involve running from the cops again?" Y/N looked at the driver, "because I don't wanna bail you out again, JB."

"You didn't bail me put, I was fine-"

"I had to convince my aunt Sue, to not kill your ass when Shoupe told her you were in the marsh," she scoffed, as John B chuckled and nodded.

JJ then sighed, with his smoke in hand, "you mind if I just relax on this one? It's been a long day, and a lot of weird stuff's gone down. I'm just gonna lay low," he then laid back, and looked over at Y/N, "oh, did you want a hit of this?"

"Maybe later," she pulled her curls back, and clipped half of them up, out of her face, as some curls fell out, and framed her face.

JJ nodded and then offered some to Pope, as he put a hand up, "I keep the signal clear."

JJ shook his head at the boy, "dude, okay- do you understand that your problem is that you don't get creative?"

"Why are you grilling me," Pope raised his hands, "you asked her too."

"Because, I can tell she's done it before- you haven't."

"How'd you know that, blondie?"

"Well, I guess," JJ shrugged, "and you just confirmed it." He then smirked, "not that dumb, bello. You see what your missing-"

"JJ, stop flirting with her, you'll scare her away." John B rolled his eyes at the blonde, and looked at his friends, through the rearview mirror, "look, I... I know I was wrong about the lighthouse, all right? And wrong about everything else going on. But I-I was right about one thing. Okay? My dad is trying to tell me something."

"Okay, then let's go," Y/N nodded when JB parked the car, as she hopped out, walking into the dark graveyard beside John B as the other three followed.

Kie looked around as everyone turned their flashlights on, "this place is scary. John B, what are we doing?"

"You know how you're trying to remember a song and can't remember who sings it?

"Yeah, that's annoying," Y/N nodded as she looked around.

"So, Redfield. This whole time, I thought it was a place, right? But it's not a place, It's a person."

JJ looked up at the crypt in the middle of the graveyard, "voi-effing-là."

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