22 | Reunion

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Heart To Heart by Mac DeMarco

"It all the days we were together, to all the time we were apart

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"It all the days we were together, to all the time we were apart."



Kie raised a brow, "these people are a whole new type of rich."

"Well, they've had three governors in the family, and have like run Charleston for 300 years," Y/N leaned over the blonde as she looked out the window, as she mumbked, "all of it blood money."

"Yeah," JJ nodded and looked at her when she sat back, and leaned into him as he threw an arm around her shoulders. "These Kooks make our Kooks look like Pogues," the blonde looked at the house they parked in front of, "you sure this is the place, Pope?"

"Pretty sure," the boy nodded and shut off the engine.

"All right," JJ nodded as they all hopped out of the truck, "fat city, for sure."

Pope held up his letter as he read the address, "twenty-seven King Street."

Y/N scrunched her brows together, "yeah, this is it."

"Talk about home security," JJ scrunched his brows as he looked at the large gate, "are those spikes to keep people out?"

Kie looked down sadly, "no."

Pope sighed and looked through the gate at the backyard, "the slave quarters are over there..."

Y/N crossed her arms, "those spikes were to keep people in," she shook her head, "disgusting they still keep it up. It's not historical, it's brutal and a reminder of something terrible... Racists."

"Agreed," Pope met her eyes as they buzzed in, and walked through the gate when it opened. The group walked to the front door and waited quietly as Pope knocked, "you think that was too much?"

"It echoed the entire house, that's for sure." JJ looked over at the boy, "so, they definitely heard it."

"Maybe nobody's home," Kie shrugged.

Pope then knocked again harder, only for the door to open to a late 30s blonde man, "you must be Pope.'

"Um, are you Mr. Limbrey?"

"Ms. Limbrey was expecting you yesterday," the man looked at the group.

"Oh, I'm- I'm sorry, my car broke down on the way up here," Popes eyes went wide.

JJ looked over at the man with lots of attitude, "carburetor blew up in the middle of No-wheres-ville, sorry about that."

"Yeah, well, she was, uh, real upset when you didn't show up," the man crossed his arms.

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