16 | They're Gone?

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Atlantis by Seafest

Atlantis by Seafest

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"I can't save us."



Y/N woke up in JJ's arms as she closed her eyes quickly when the sun shined through the window.

It had been two days since Peterkin died, and her mother left for the mainland, it took longer since now John B is on the run from the cops, so Shoupe had to stay on the mainland longer. Making Camilia stay there longer too.

JJ stayed with Y/N, as Pope and Kie stayed together as John B and Sarah also stayed together.

Y/N was doing better after what had happened on the tarmac; shed still need time to heal, but with everything she's gone through in her life, it just added to the pile, so she was more numb to it. She didn't focus too much on it, since she then started to feel guilty. Why wasn't she closer with aunt sue? Why'd she stay so far away?

The girl sat up, and went to the bathroom, leaving her hair down, as she tied a silk scarf on her head, which matched her outfit.

When she walked back to the bedroom, JJ was sitting up, as he was looking at his phone

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When she walked back to the bedroom, JJ was sitting up, as he was looking at his phone. "Kie texted me, her and Pope got some food from the wreak for John B and Sarah. They got a plan; were gonna get a boat for JB and Sarah, then they'll leave."

"Okay, lets do this," she nodded and went to his backpack, and threw some new clothing at him: JJ had some spare clothes from John B's, which he threw in his bag, before he went to the girls house. He wanted to be prepared if she did want him there, which did work out in the end.

"So, what part of the plan do we need to do?"

JJ threw his top off, and changed into another black one, "we got transportation duty." When JJ was about to change his shorts, Y/N looked away as she put on some shoes, and grabbed everything she needed. "My pops has a boat we can use, we just need to get the key."

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