9 | Movie Night

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Me And Your Mama by Childish Gambino

Me And Your Mama by Childish Gambino

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"They wanna see us fallin' apart."




"I'm so glad that they're still doing this," Kie smiled as they walked onto the green park, where there was going to be a movie night via a projector. "Keep calm, carry on." Kie held her arms out, taking it all in, "back to OBX life, you know? Aren't you glad I made you come?"

"Ecstatic," Pope stated as he opened the fold out chairs.

JJ shrugged as he helped, "my couch was pretty comfy, I'll be honest."

Y/N rolled her eyes at the boys "yeah, this is nice." She looked around, making her eyes land on the snack hut, "oh, I'll be right back- I'm gonna grab some snacks." Her friends nodded and yelled after her what they wanted, making her chuckle.

Y/N walked to the hunt, as the man asked, "what can I get you?"

"Can I get two Pepsis, two root beers, and two bags of," she looked at all the candy, but stopped on her favorite, "skittles please?"

Y/N grabbed her stuff, and was about to walk away when Rafe cam up to her side, "hey, Y/N."

Y/N glared over at him, "what do you want?"

"What no, hi, how are you?" Rafe raised a brow, as she glared at him, "just be happy I ain't holding no hard feelings."

She raised a brow, "what do you want? Or this time do you want the golf club up your-"

Rafe leaned in as he whispered, "I want you to tell your boy that we know what he did."

"Excuse me," she pulled back, as she pulled out of his grip, when his hand touched her arm, "what boy are you talking about?"

"Uh, he'll know," Rafe nodded and walked away.

Y/N rolled her eyes and swore under her breathe in Spanish, as she walked back to her seats. She sat beside JJ, and handed Kie and Pope, their Pepsis, then one pack of candy. She handed JJ a root beer, and opened hers as they shared the second bag of candy.

"The only beer you could get?"

"Yeah," she chuckled and stole some skittles, "these are my favorite."


"Yeah, they were the first American candy I ate back home, and was obsessed ever since," she smiled and ate some more as they all got comfy. After a few minutes she looked down and said, "I talked to Rafe, and he said, tell your boy that we know what he did."

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