Chapter 1: Hot and Cold

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Morning peered through the glass of my window vane, causing me to open my eyes. I slid off my bed and stretched my arms, cracking a few bones.

Today is the first day of my second year at Artium University. The most prestigious school of arts in Asia, and only rich people can enter.

"Becca! You're going to be late!" My mom shouted outside my room, so I hurriedly ran into my bathroom and took a quick shower.

Once done, I walked into my walk-in closet and wore a white long-sleeve underneath my light blue long-sleeve vest, then my blue tie paired with a soft blue skirt. I put on my Celine margaret loafer with a triomphe chain in polished bull black, then tied my hair in a pineapple ponytail.

"Aren't you going to eat breakfast, Miss Hottest Student?" Mom asked with a grin on her face.

Miss Hottest Student is the most cringe name that I have in school. Well, I became the hottest student after winning a pageant against different schools. They said that I was gorgeous and my body proportion was to die for, and men were lining up to get my attention, but no one caught it.

I like someone who doesn't like me. Someone smart enough and won't give attention to anyone but only to me.

"I'm going to be late. I'll eat at Solaris Cafe!" I waved goodbye and hopped in Saint's car.

Saint is my best friend. Well, not actually best friends since we were friends for only a year, but he's the only friend I could trust that won't have feelings for me.

"Aren't you going to let your hair down today?" he asked before stepping on the accelerator pedal.

"No, I want to keep it simple. Freen is going to the university, didn't you know?"

Saint's face became sour when he heard Freen's name.

Freen is a top student at AU. Many achievers tried to dethrone her, but no one succeeded. She's a prodigy and became famous for being a genius, but she's as cold as ice. She always wore a poker face, even if she won something that could be bragged about. And when students tried to talk to her, she always ignored them. She has lots of admirers, but she rejects them all. Some people think that she's an asexual-a person who experiences no sexual feelings or desires or who is not sexually attracted to anyone.

I don't know what's the reason why Saint didn't like Freen. Maybe it's because he doesn't want her aura. It's pretty intimidating, though.

"We're here." Saint unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door for me. He's just sweet, and that's his typical trait.

"You're a little late," Heng said when he saw me getting out of the car.

Saint wrapped his arms around me, and we passed through Heng.

Saint and Heng are totally different from each other. Heng is the second most intelligent in AU, second to Freen, while Saint is the third. Me? Never mind.

Heng is one of the most charismatic men in AU, just like Freen; many girls are pursuing him, but he always says he's waiting for someone. No one knows who it was, and I am not interested. The only person who caught my attention was Freen. No one can replace her as my ideal type; though she's a girl, I'm willing to be with her if she wants me to.


Someone shouted my name, making me turn my back. I saw a guy waving, but he was not the one I was looking at now. Behind him was Freen, who was wearing the same uniform as mine. She tied her long straight in a ponytail and wore her famous poker face.

"Hi," I said when Freen passed, but it seemed like I was a ghost. She ignored me.

Saint burst out laughing but covered his mouth when I gave him death glares.

I'm used to Freen ignoring me. Since day one, she never talked to me. She never glanced at me nor looked in my direction. And that's the reason why I like her. Weird? Well, that's just who I am.

"Calling the attention of Heng and Freen of class II-A, please proceed to the auditorium."

"Why?" I asked Saint.

Saint is one of the university councils, so he must know.

"There will be an art quiz bee for the first day of school. Heng and Freen will participate since they are the best students here." He explained.

My face brightened, and I hurriedly went to the auditorium.

I went backstage first because I wanted to give Freen a keychain. It's personalized and made only for her, but before I could give it to her, I heard the ear-splitting shrieks coming from her different fangirls.

Freen is not only popular with boys but also with girls. Now, I'm getting jealous.

"What are you doing here, Miss Armstrong?" the staff asked me.

"I'm here to see Freen," I answered, but she looked at me with a cheeky expression, making my face turns red. "Where is she?"

"If the students found out that you're here to see Miss Ice-" I covered her mouth with my hands and told her to lower her voice, which she did. "Okay, she's going to the stage now. Better hurry, or else you'll never meet her."

I thanked her and ran.

"Goodluck! I hope she'll notice you!"

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