Chapter 19: Assurance

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I woke up early in the morning without Freen beside me. My head hurts like someone hammering it, but I still managed to stand up. I couldn't remember what happened last night, and I didn't want to know it either. I hoped I didn't say naughty things to Freen.

I opened the bedside table to find if Freen had painkillers, but the thing that I saw was a picture of him and Saint. It looked like a graduation picture from their previous school.

They knew each other before? But Freen told me he was a nobody. Were they ex-lovers? That's why Saint was talking nonsense about Freen? The reason why he knew that Freen was dangerous?

I opened the lower drawer and saw a gun. I immediately closed it and pretended to sleep. My heart was pounding like it was going to burst.

Why does it feel like I don't know Freen at all? What are you hiding, Freen?

Freen's phone beeped three times, but she wasn't still there so I decided to answer it for her. The caller's name was 'Fake Daddy'.

"Hi, Freen. I'm sorry I can't fetch you today. I have something to do, but you're more important than this. Okay? Don't sulk. I'll be there again, tomorrow."

He didn't give me the chance to answer, and he just hung up. I knew that voice. It wasn't her dad. It was Saint's voice.

I put back the phone where it was located. I didn't know what to feel. I wanted to ask Freen, but I know she would tell me that he was a nobody.

Don't tell me we have the same boyfriend, Freen? That's ridiculous. No, that's disgusting.

"How long have you been awake? Sorry, my dad came over."

Freen was wearing a white cotton bathrobe right now. I looked at her from head to toe and then raised my eyebrows.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

Freen tilted her head in thought. "Living room. I just said that my dad came over, right?" she asked.

"Looking like that?"

"Why? It's my dad."

I wanted to confront her but I didn't have enough evidence. I was overthinking again. But what if? Saint came over while I was asleep and Freen met him outside to hide me.

"Stop!" I screamed, making Freen startle. "Sorry. I'm having anxiety."

Freen heaved a sigh then climbed up to bed to hug me from behind. She snaked her hands around my waist and placed her chin on my shoulder.

"Tell me, what's bothering my baby?" She kissed my shoulder and neck, giving me a tingling sensation again. "Ask me anything. I will answer it honestly."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. There were many questions I wanted to know. Why there are pictures of her and Saint at her bedside table? Why there's a gun inside her drawer? And why does Saint's name on her contact is Fake Daddy? I wanted to know all of it, but I was afraid. I was afraid to know the truth. I was afraid that it might hurt me.

"Why do you like me?" I asked.

Before Freen could answer, her phone vibrated again.

"A minute," she said and went outside the room with her phone in her hand.

A simple question she couldn't answer.

"Do you like me, just because I like you?" I whispered with a cracked voice.

I tidied up my things and went outside without telling Freen. I called Saint multiple times, but he was on another call. I bet he's talking to Freen right now. I dialed Heng's number and he picked up in a ring.

"Can you fetch me here at Freen's house?" I tried to speak clearly, but my voice betrayed me.

"What happened?" he asked.


"5 minutes."

"Becky!" I heard Freen's voice from afar, but I didn't look back. "Becky, where are you going?" she asked as she grabbed my arms.

"I'm going home. My mother called," I lied.

"I'll bring you home, let's go."

I grabbed my arms from her frustratedly.

"I called Heng, he'll be here soon," I informed.

"Heng? For what? I'm here, Becky." Her eyes began to look teary, but I avoided her gaze.

"Go talk to Saint." Finally, I said it. My heart felt heavy and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Are you jealous? He's a nobody," she said as she let out a nervous laugh.

"Nobody? You got a picture of him on your bedside table! His name on your contacts is 'Fake Daddy' what does it mean, Freen? He's my boyfriend! I know how much you hate me, but this is too much! I can't take this anymore!" I screamed out of my lungs.

"He's my twin! We have pictures together because he's my brother. His name is 'Fake Daddy' because he once pranked me that he's my dad. What else do you want to know?" Freen grasped my both shoulder as she chased her breath.

"What?" I asked.

"What else? I'll answer everything for you to stop doubting how much I love you." Her eyes were serious and worried at the same time. "If only I can kiss you in front of them, I will, Becky. I will. But I'm just your other woman. I can't give you the assurance you want, but trust me. I love you, and there will be no one else but you."

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