Chapter 20: Decisions

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"Are you sure you're going to leave her?" My dad asked. We both looked at Becky who was sleeping soundly. "Let's go outside."

We headed to the living room and sat aligned with each other. I crossed my legs and sipped on my coffee.

"Are you going to wait until midterms? How can you tell her about your job?" My dad asked again.

"I wasn't planning on it. I have to finish this year, afterward, I'll go with you to Switzerland." I explained.

"Can you hear yourself? No more Switzerland for you if you don't break up with her. What do you think she will do if she finds out?" Dad nagged me again, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I know what I'm doing! I need time, okay? I can't just leave Becky alone here, especially when they found out who she is."

I was referring to my father's enemy. The moment I chose my dad, it was like I chose a messy life. Lots of enemies, people were spying on me, no freedom and I need to defend myself anytime. Everyone thought that I chose to stay with my dad because I was a cheater too, but I wasn't like that, I was more than that.

I didn't want to tell her yet since I was starting to pursue her, but I guessed whatever I do, she would find out anyway.

"Think again, Freen. This is not a game for two. You have to consider everything. You have to let her go if you have to."

I know. Ever since I fell for her, I thought of that. I know that this way wasn't easy yet still I chose it. I know everything would be difficult but I decided to take a risk. I'd rather regret this choice than regret not having Becky just because I didn't try.

"You have to go before Becky wakes up. I won't see you off," I said then stood up.

"I trust you, Freen. I know you'll make the right decision."

Although the right decisions were not usually the best, I'd try. For everyone's sake.

When I reached the bedroom it was slightly open so I entered slowly so that I wouldn't wake Becky up. I peeked first and was taken aback when she answered my phone. I didn't know it was but she didn't speak. She put back my phone and looked at the window expressionless. Who was it? And why did her expression become like that?

I entered the room, pretending that I didn't do anything.

"How long have you been awake? Sorry, my dad came over."

I wasn't lying at all. My dad came and nagged me to stop seeing Becky because she would only be a distraction.

Becky didn't believe me so I have to tell her everything about my real relationship with Saint. I wasn't planning to hide it, but I didn't consider him as one of my family members after what he did. He's just being sweet to me because he thought that he won the fight- he became Becky's boyfriend. Little did he know that her girlfriend was also mine.

"Are you telling the truth?" she asked as her tears welled up. "You're not lying to me, are you?"

"I'm telling the truth. He's my brother. I could show you evidence. Our pictures when we were young. The-" Becky cut my words by placing her lips on mine.

I could feel the hot tears from her face, and also the sweetness of her soft lips.

"I'll talk to my parents. I'll introduce you to them."

My eyes widened. This happened so fast.

I pushed Becky a bit, just to have some space between us. I rubbed the back of my neck and looked around, thinking about what would be a good reason how to change her mind.

"Don't you think it's a bit early? You and Saint just started dating days ago. What would they say if they found out that you left Saint for me?" I asked with a hint of nervousness in my voice.

Becky cracked up and held her stomach while laughing. "You're funny," she said.

My eyebrows knitted and looked at her curiously.

"I'll just introduce you to them as my friend. Besides, we're doing a project together. Ms. Saelim told me that it was moved. We'll perform it at the event before the midterms."

My heart pounded rapidly like it was about to burst.

"Midterms? How many months until midterms?" I asked.

"Weeks. Why?" she asked.

I shook my head and was about to pull her inside my house, but Heng came using his motorcycle. He's wearing a black leather jacket, denim pants, and black leather boots. He's also wearing aviators. What's with his outfit?

"What are you two doing? I thought we were going to elope, Becca?"

My hands turned into fists the moment he asked these questions.

"Do you have a death wish?" I asked, and he just chuckled.

"I'm just kidding." He gently nudged me and then turned to Becky. "Are you going home, Becca?" he asked.

"Yeah," Becky answered, but I gave her death glares. "But I changed my mind. Right, Freen?"

I nodded and we both smiled at Heng. He looked at me with a doubting expression before turning to Becky again. He kicked the clutch to start the engine and heaved a sigh.

"Call me if Freen did something to you," Heng said to Becky. I raised my left eyebrow.

"Why? You wanna join?" I asked cheekily and he rolled his eyes before driving off.

"That's a naughty idea, Freen. I hate you." Becky rolled her eyes and went inside the house while stomping.

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