Chapter 23: We Should Part Ways

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We're done.

I didn't want to be her second option. I wonder if she only agreed to be my other woman because she had another too. And I didn't ask her to be my option. I told her that I would break up with Saint and make us both legal on each side. Yet she didn't wait for me. She found someone and introduced her to her dogs.

"Let's go?" Saint asked me after he opened the car. I forgot that we're here.

Tonight is the last event of our school and then we would take the midterm examination. They said that there would be an induction ceremony and Freen and I would sing for the intermission number. Saint would be my date, of course, since all of the students in AU knew that we were dating.

When I reached the dressing room, I saw Freen talking to Heng like nothing happened. Maybe she didn't know that I already knew.

"Becca, where's Saint? I heard he's your date tonight?" Heng interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, he's outside. I have to rehearse with Freen before the program starts." I smiled at him and he nodded.

"See you two later," he said before going out.

Freen sat on the chair, facing the mirror, and fixed her makeup. I wanted to talk to her but I didn't dare. Why should I if she's at fault right now?

"Let's stop this," Freen said.

I looked at her in surprise. What the hell? How could she say that so easily?

"We're not kids anymore. Let's stop playing. Go date Saint, and I'll date anyone I want. We're not a thing, though." Freen explained without looking at me.

How could she say all those words as if nothing happened between us? And why am I the only one who's hurting?

"Why?" I tried to sound cold, but my voice slightly cracked.

"I like someone else. I tried to date girls, you and the other one my men told you. I didn't feel any spark."

My eyebrows raised. "Spark? What the hell are you talking about? We already spent a night together, and now you're telling me that you didn't feel any spark? Do you want to electrocute you?" I hollered.

I let out a harsh breath before grabbing her arms and forcing her to face me.

"Why do you hate me so much, Freen?" I asked.

"I don't. I just like someone else," she said and deadpanned.

I tried to look strong but my tears betrayed me. I wiped them out and turned around so Freen wouldn't see it.

"Sorry. They warned you not to fall for me. Didn't they? Here." She handed me her handkerchief, and I accepted it. I couldn't ruin my makeup.

"Freen..." I looked at her while still wiping the cold tears. "Can't you fight for me? Can't you avoid temptation for me? I did everything for you."

Freen looked at me with sad eyes, but she shook her head.

"I don't want to hurt even more. So, let's stop this while we can. Let's stop while things are still in place and not complicated."


"No, Becky. Be happy with Saint. You're a great woman. Everyone will love you. To be honest, I lied. It's you who didn't deserve me. It was me, who didn't deserve such a woman like you." Freen smiled at me and helped me wipe the tears. She gently kissed my eyes and flashed a sweet and genuine smile. "No one hates you, Becky. It just happens that I'm not the right one for you."

I wanted to run right now, but my feet were glued to the floor. I couldn't bare it any longer. I didn't want to hear her voice saying those words.

Why am I the only one hurting here? Why am I the only one suffering? Did I love her too much that she wanted to escape from me? Am I too good to be true?

"I hate you, Freen. I wish I never met you."

After saying those words, I ran outside the room and went to find Saint. I saw her talking to some students so I dragged him to the parking lot and told him that I wanted to go home. I didn't want to perform anymore. I'm hurting too much. I couldn't bear the pain anymore.

Before I went to school I practiced my speech so that I could break up with her though we didn't have a label, why did everything turn upside-down?

"What happened?"

I passed through my parents and immediately went to my room without answering their questions. I wanted to be alone right now.

"Damn you, Freen! How can you hurt me so much?" I bellowed in pain as I tore all the pictures of her in my room.

From now on, I won't let Freen distort my life again.

Why Do You Hate Me? || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now