Chapter 8: Other Side

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Freen told me everything that happened. She said that she took him to a restaurant where he wanted to go down and left him there. She saw a car after she drove off but wasn't sure if they were the abductors.

I believed in Freen. She explained those very well with sincere eyes.

"Are you okay now?" she asked and sat under the table.

That's when I realized that it was already evening, and people might be going home now.

I sat beside Freen and looked at her tired expression. We've been here for more than 12 hours, and we didn't eat anything except for the biscuit we saw earlier.

"I'm sorry. I forgot that the door was broken," I said and played with my fingers nervously.

Freen didn't answer. She flinched when she heard the thunder.

Was it raining?

"Becky..." Her voice was hoarse and her hands were trembling.

Wait, she's afraid of thunder?

I held her hands and hugged her. Freen buried her face in my neck as she continued to tremble.

This is not just a phobia. I think she has trauma.

I caressed Freen's back, but she started to sob. I didn't know why but I pushed her a bit to see her face, and her eyes were swollen.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly, but she just teared up and hugged me tightly.

Someone did something to her while there was thunder, or she saw something. I am sure of it.

"Becky..." she called my nickname for the second time.

It made my heart melt. Her sweet voice called my name. I just wanted to stop time, but that would be a selfish act.

"Freen, I'm here. Calm down," I whispered while caressing her back.

I looked at her face again, and she still didn't stop crying. I kissed her eyes, and forehead before hugging her again.

I wanted to know the reason why was she like this, but I didn't know who was her parents. If Freen was not a genius, she would be a nobody in AU since her parents are unknown.

"Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?" I started to sing for her to calm down. Freen needed me right now, and I should do my best to comfort her.

"I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on." I continued.

I felt Freen sighing. This must be working.

"So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin."

I caressed her hair, and she closed her eyes. Go ahead, Freen. Sleep, I'm right here.

"And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?"

I don't know, what I should do. You made me like this, Freen. You made me fall in love with you.

"This could be the end of everything
So, why don't we go somewhere only we know?"

The rain stopped, and Freen fell asleep on my lap. She looked so gorgeous under the moonlit night sky.

"You're so beautiful, Freen. I hope you know." I leaned in to give her a quick kiss on the forehead.

I gently caressed her cheeks and smiled. I didn't expect to see her like this. If this was a dream, I don't want to wake up.

"I'll protect you, Freen. No one can hurt you now."

I leaned in, but this time I aimed for her lips. It was so soft. I wanted to bite it but I was afraid to wake her up. Perhaps, next time.

"Enjoying the view?" Freen asked when she opened her eyes and saw me staring at her.

I smiled and nodded.

She sat down and fixed the creases on her uniform, then turned to me and tilted her head. I thought she saw dirt on my face but I was surprised when she pulled the back of my neck but stopped when someone opened the door.

Heng saw us in that state, and he was surprised. Freen looked at him, then turned to me.

I thought she was not going to continue it, but she did. She leaned her lips to me, and gently bit my lower lip, causing me to gasp a little.

I heard Heng's footsteps and grabbed Freen's hands and pushed her away from me. Heng checked my lips, and that's when I realized that it stings. Damn it!

"It's bleeding," he said and took out his handkerchief and gently wiped the blood. "Let's go. Your mother must be waiting."

"What about the acquaintance party?" I asked.

That's the reason why Freen was here earlier. I looked at her, but she was wearing her poker face.

"It's late, you should go home." Freen motioned me to get out, so I stood up.

"See you tomorrow," I said, and Freen nodded.

Heng offered to bring home, so I accepted it since no one would. It was evening, and I guess Saint was already at his house.

"I don't know what's your relationship with Freen, but consider this a warning, Becky. She's not what you think," he warned.

I chuckled at his words and turned to him who was busy driving.

"Did Saint pay you to disparage Freen in front of me?" I asked.

"If you don't want to believe, then don't blame me when she hurt you."

I would still believe Freen, even if she hurt me.

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