Chapter 14: Accusations

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"Have you seen, Becca?" Saint asked me while I was reading at my favorite spot at the Solaris Cafe.

"Do I look like a Lost and Found office?" I asked back and focus on my book.

"The guy told me you called for her on the rooftop, but you're here. So, where is she?"

I broke into a sweat. My heart pounded, and my hand began to feel clammy against my bouncing knee.

I have a bad feeling about this.

I put my book on the shelf and journeyed to the rooftop. I asked the guard if he saw Becca, and he nodded.

"I talked to her, and ordered me to do something before she went up."

I nodded at his answer.

I saw three guys on the rooftop with Becca on a chair, tied. I wanted to free her, but I couldn't since I was outnumbered. I went back and get the baseball bat from the nearest storage room and hit the two guys, making them sleep soundly. The other one was too strong and even chased us before we could get out.

"Move back, Freen. Or I'll kill her in front of you."

I knew he could do it since he was slowly wounding Becca's neck. If I turned back, he would kill Becca and kill himself.

I ran towards them and snatched the knife from his knife, but I lost my balance, making me cut his index finger.

Damn it, this is too sharp.

I caught Becca's arms while holding the knife since I couldn't just put it on the ground. The killer might stab me behind.

"Hold on, Becky. Hold on." My voice cracked and I didn't know what to do.

Even though my knees were trembling I managed to carry her in a bridal style and went down. The guard saw me and helped me to carry Becca as the other personnel called the ambulance.

I couldn't blink because of what happened. I saw it all. I heard it all. I thought I was used to it, but when it comes to Becca, I couldn't bear it.

"The ambulance is here, let's go miss." The guard was also trembling because of his stupidity. How could that guy enter with a sharp knife and did a crime when they were here and supposed to rounds?

"I'll go home, take care of her."

My hands started to shake as I drove off.

"Becca is priceless, Freen. That's what you forgot. You treat her like nothing, yet here she is, still loving you. I want her so much, that I could ruin my life for her, but you? You ruined her life! I won't let her be with you. She's mine, forever mine!"

The murderer's voice kept resonating in my ears. I turned off the faucet of my shower and leaned my head on the wall, letting the droplets fall.

How could Becca didn't see it? Why was she still like me even though I treated her like trash?

"I am a red flag, Becca. Are you color blind?" I whispered to myself.

The next day, the president of AU called for me. My strides were heavy as I entered his office. I saw the three guys from yesterday, with their parents.

The mother of the murderer came to me and gave me a stinging slap.

Everyone in the room held her and gently pushed her back to her seat.

"How dare you cut my son's fingers! Do you think you have the right to cut anyone because you are the pride of the school?!" She shouted.

"Ma'am, calm down."

I looked at the murderer with a grin on his face.

I rolled my eyes.

"Good morning murderer. I didn't know you're a mama's boy."

The family stood up again and tried to attack me, fortunately, the guards were there.

"Freen, this is a serious matter. You cut one student's finger!" The president shouted at me.

"That murderer kidnapped Becky! Do you know why Becky can't go to school today? She's in the hospital, with a cut on her neck!" I snapped.

"You hurt her! I love Becca so much, Freen. You told her to go to the rooftop, that's why I followed her, but I was shocked when you pointed a knife at her!" The guy yelled back. He gave the president a letter containing my letter.

I didn't write those, but it looked like my handwriting.

"How can you explain this, Freen?"

"Becca will explain everything."

"Not unless you threatened her, bitch!" the guy yelled again, so his mother slapped him to shut up.

"I'll give you a day, Freen. If you can't collect evidence. You're expelled," the president said and motioned me to go out.

I stood up and let out a harsh breath.

"Even if I'm not in AU, I won't let you touch my girl."

I turned my back after saying those words.

Another day passed but I couldn't collect evidence. I asked the guard to give me a copy of the footage of the cameras, but it was deleted. The guy was also there and seemed like he didn't delete it. Someone was protecting him.

"The president called you, go to his office." Ms. Saelim ordered, and I nodded. "Freen, I believe you're innocent. I'll help you find evidence, just convince him for another day."

I smiled sadly but shook my head. "It's fine, Miss. I will accept everything."

I went to the president's office and saw Becca with impregnated gauze on her neck. I hurriedly run and tried to hug her but I might hurt her, so I held her hands and brought them to my face. Becca smiled at me.

The president coughed to get our attention.

I forgot, he was also here.

"Becca showed me this early in the morning, she asked the guard not to show anyone the footage of the cameras."

The president showed me the laptop, and I could see the face of the guy. My hands turned to fists, but Becky intertwined her hands with mine.

"We'll file a lawsuit for him. I'm sorry for the inconvenience Freen." The president bowed to me.

"Do everything, sir. For him not to touch Becky again."

I looked at Becky. She didn't deserve all of this. She deserved to be with someone who would love her infinitely. And that someone wasn't me.

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