Chapter 28: Give Into You [M]

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"Come," I tell Freen to come inside my house to discuss the wedding reception. "Saint will not be going home tonight since he has a lot of work to do."

Freen sits on one of the stools in my kitchen. I give her a drink, and she shyly accepts it.

"Where's Heng?" I ask as I take back the pitcher inside the refrigerator.

"I don't know," she said with a shrug. "After the ball, Heng has been cold to me. I don't know what I did wrong, but I guess it hurts him so much to act like that."

"So, you're alone at home?"

"Yes, sleeping alone, to be exact. He goes home to sleep, leaving the following day again as if I wasn't there. As if I wasn't his fiancée." Her voice sounds sad, but she chuckles to fake it. "How about you? Does Saint do that too?"

I shake my head and look at her with pity. Saint never dares to leave me alone. It's just that he has an important client tomorrow, so he has to fly to Japan.

"Saint gives me the time and effort I want. We've been dating for how many years, and until now, nothing has changed."

"You're lucky to have my twin," she chuckles. "Maybe he's lucky too to have you, don't you think?"

I chuckle and motion for her to follow me into the cellar. I hand her the vodka- the same one that she had hidden in her bedroom years ago.

"Billionaire vodka?" she asks in curiosity. "What's this?"

"We drank that before, and I got drunk to the point that I couldn't go home, so you took care of me." I smile when I remember that moment. She was so gentle back then.

"Based on Heng and Saint's story, we're not close. That's the first time we bond?" she asks in suspicion.

"We're more than close friends." I chuckle as I open the vodka. "You want to know more?"

She nods and looks at me inquisitively.

"Let's go to my bedroom first." I prompt and pull her gently while my other hand is holding the open vodka.

I take a wine glass in the kitchen before entering my room. Freen is sitting on the edge of the bed. She's looking at the pictures hanging on the wall, and her eyes are glistening.

"Here," I hand her the glass of wine, and she accepts then gently sips it. "Admiring the view?" I ask though I know there's nothing to admire here.

"The atmosphere here is so peaceful. I like it here." She smiles at me.

"You can spend the night here if you want," I smirk.

Freen stands up and looks outside the window while swirling her glass of wine. She looks elegant, even though she's wearing mere white long-sleeve polo with her long hair down. She puts her arms on her stomach to support the other, holding the wine.

I like the view from here. I am staring at Freen inside my room with vodka in our hands. I want to hug her from behind, but it will be awkward.

"Have long have you been dating Saint again?" she asks.

"Since we were in college. Why?"

"Last time at the reunion party, someone talked to me and told me that I was dating you. Is it true?" Freen looks at me with a blank expression. "Did I somehow break your heart before? That's why you're looking at me with rage eyes."

"No, we're not dating." I smile. That's the truth. We didn't date. We had no label. "We just see each other behind the curtains. Where no one can see us."

I pull Freen to the bed, snatch her glass of wine then put it on the side table. I sit down on the edge while she stands before me.

"What do you want to do tonight, Freen?" I ask seductively while slowly unbuttoning her polo from below.

Freen bites her lower lip and looks at the ceiling, thinking. I chuckle at her reaction. I stand up to fully unbutton her polo and give her a delicate kiss on the lips. She doesn't respond at first, so I smirk and pull her closer to me.

"How many days have you been lonely?" I whisper in her ears. "Can I fulfill that loneliness?"

Freen looks up when I smell her neck. Her eyes are closed, and don't flinch at my touch as if she's waiting for it.

I remove her polo, leaving her brassiere as I feast my eyes on her hourglass body. Her face turns red, and she is about to cover it when I pull her into a deep and aggressive kiss. It's pure lust. I want to devour every inch of her right now, but I must tease her first.

Our lips move in sync as her hands travel, slowly unbuttoning my polo. When she removes it, her kisses go down my jaw and neck, leaving a mark. I let out a soft moan when she found my soft spot.

"Freen..." I whisper, but she continues to kiss my neck to my collar. She unclasps my bra and throws it on the bed as her hands travel to my valley.

"Freen..." I moan her name again.

Freen is ignoring me because of her desires. I don't know what happens, but she's yearning for more. Her hands go down to my stomach, drawing a circle that causes me to moan loudly.

Damn it. She's driving me crazy again. I need to do something. Instead of dominating, I become the bottom again.

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