Chapter 15: First Hate

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"Freen, where are you going?" I asked when I saw her in the parking lot.

"Let's not meet each other anymore."

I furrowed my eyebrows at her words.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"You don't deserve me, Becca. I'm too much. You're weak, you couldn't protect yourself and now I almost got expelled because I saved you. I don't want that to happen anymore so stay away from me." She entered her car leaving me dumbfounded.

Before she could turn on the engine I went in front of her car and slammed it. Freen opened her window and looked at me.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked with a hint of irritation in her voice.

I opened her car door and pulled her out. She was startled when I slammed the door behind her.

"Who do you think you are to play with my feelings? You made me feel special, then you're here telling me that I don't deserve you?" I asked.

A solemn tear fell down my cheek. My body looked calm compared to how tangled my mind was.

"You're just imagining things, Becca. I didn't make you feel that way. You assumed it."

I let out a harsh breath before running my fingers through my hair frustratedly. My neck hurts, but her words hurt me more.

"What the hell, Freen? Tell me, did I do something that made you mad? Why are you saying those words? We're fine just a few minutes ago. Then here you are, muttering words I can't understand! Why do you hate me that much?" I snapped.

"Are you stupid? Should I spell it out for you?" she asked again. "I'm at the top! You're at the bottom. I have many dreams and you're a hindrance. What if I got expelled? What will happen to me? This is all your fault, Becca! I shouldn't get involved with you!" she pushed me a bit, entered the car then drove off.

My eyes were now welled up in tears, causing me to look down at my feet. I felt like someone stabbing me multiple times, and I couldn't help but plaster a tight smile.


I heard a familiar voice, the reason why I wiped the tears.

"Let's go home, Saint."

We walked to his car and went home immediately.

When we arrived, mom and dad told Saint to join us for dinner, which he accepted. I went to my room to change clothes and journeyed to the dining area, but before I reached it, I heard them talking to Saint.

"I'm so thankful that you're here to bring Becca home every day. She's so afraid to drive, but she doesn't like to have a personal driver." Mom mentioned.

"When will you date my daughter?" dad asked.

Saint shook his head and then laughed a bit.

"Becca is like a sister to me."

I smiled at his words. Saint would never like me, but I was afraid that he likes Freen. I couldn't bear to see my best friend falling for the person I love.

"There's no one who would be more suitable than you. You deserve my daughter, Saint. I'm telling you," dad said, but Saint just laughed.

"I want Becca to find the love she deserves. Someone who will appreciate her, and give effort. Also, someone she really loves. I'm contented by seeing her happy," Saint said as he smiled again.

Their talk was getting serious, and I didn't want to hear them anymore. I was afraid that my parents would tell me to date, Saint. I never disobey them since they supported me throughout my study.

"You guys are so serious, what are you talking about?" I asked with a cheeky expression, pretending that I didn't hear their conversation.

"Come sit down, we have to tell you something."

I sat down on my seat and looked at them.

"I think you should find someone to take care of you. After that incident, we can't just let you roam without a guard or something." Dad explained.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We suggest that you two should date."

Saint and I didn't talk. We were both startled and didn't want to do it, but it was my parents. I knew they only decide things for my sake.

"Yeah, we will. We'll try," I said then faked a smile.

Saint looked at me worriedly. He knew that I didn't like it, but we didn't have a choice. It's heavy for me too, but maybe I'd learn to like him if I tried. Perhaps?

"We'll try. We'll hope that it won't ruin our friendship." Saint grabbed my hand from under the table and gently squeezed it.

After dinner, I walked Saint to the parking area of our mansion. Not even the breath of wind disturbed the heavy atmosphere, but I was the one to succumb.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this," I said. "Let's pretend to date until my parents won't worry for me."

"When? You are their precious daughter, they will worry for you forever." Saint looked at the sky while his hands were in his pockets. "I want to date you forever, Becca."

"If you're also worried about me, you don't have to date me. I can take care of myself, plus I have Freen."

"Freen is indecisive. She didn't know what she likes, and will just hurt you in the end." Saint faced me and caressed my hair. "I hate seeing her treating you like you're some kind of plaything. I can't convince her to take good care of you. Believe me, Becca. I want you to be happy."

"Thanks, Saint, I'll try."

I'd try, but this time without Freen.

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