Chapter 6: Hatred

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Freen and I headed to the cafe after class. I didn't know what she was up to, but I followed her.

Wait, did she find out that the song was dedicated to her? Hell no.

"What's the score between you and Heng?" she asked the moment we reached her favorite spot-near the glass wall on the corner.

"What do you mean score?" I asked back as I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms.

Freen sat on the chair and opened her bag. She took out a new book, then read.

What the hell? Did she ask me to meet her just to ask that stupid question?

I let out a deep sigh before snatching her book from her. I didn't know where I got my confidence, but I badly wanted to know what she was up to. Why did she have to ask about what happened between Heng and me?

Freen threw me dagger stares as she tried to take the book from me; luckily, my reflexes were good, and I managed to hide it behind before she could touch it.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked calmly.

"I should be the one asking you that? What's wrong with you? You're acting like a jealous person!" I raised my voice, and I could feel the hot stares from everyone in the cafe.

"So what if I am? Can you stay away from him?" She stood up, closing the gap between us.

I swallowed and avoided her gaze. We're too close. I should step back, but I couldn't.

Freen tucked the remaining hair on my face behind my ear and caressed my cheek gently. She slowly licked her bottom lip and bit it.

"If I told you I'm jealous, can you give me assurance?" she asked in a hoarse voice. "Everyone's watching. Run before I ruin your sweet reputation." The side of her lips raised, forming a half-grin.

I saw Heng, who had just entered the cafe, and I thought of a good idea.

"Reputation, you say?" I leaned in to reach her lips, and she was startled when our lips met.

Freen didn't flinch, so I bit her lower lip, causing her to push me.

"Are you still jealous?" I asked and motioned her to look at the front of the cafe.

Heng was standing with knitted brows while looking at us.

I didn't know their relationship, but Freen started it, so I'm going to ruin everyone who tried to steal her from me.

Freen looked at Heng and then turned to me. She gave me a delicate kiss before faking a smile.

"See you around, babe." She giggled and headed in Heng's direction. She tapped his shoulder before exiting the cafe.

I heard the people murmur after Freen left. Some say that they didn't expect that we were dating or such. Some were heartbroken because they liked Freen and me.

I sat on the chair beside me, which was Freen's favorite spot. The happenings were still processed inside my head.

What the hell did I think when I kissed her? Damn it.

"Seriously, Becky? I thought you liked Saint?"

I was startled when Heng pulled me from my thoughts.

"What's happening here?" Saint came, but we just looked at him. "Are you guys fighting? I can feel the tension from over here."

Heng let out a harsh breath before leaving the cafe. Saint looked at me, confused, but I shrugged and pretended nothing had happened.

"Hey, about the song. Who is it for?" Saint asked.

Just like I thought he was here to ask me that question.

"Freen," I answered with a smile.

I went to the counter to order drinks, but Saint followed me.

"One winter melon milk tea, please."

"I told you, you should stay away from her. She's a dangerous person, Becky. You don't know her."

I rolled my eyes. Here we go again, babbling about Freen's flaws.

"I don't care if she's dangerous. I like her, Saint. Can't you just be happy for me? Finally, I found someone I like."

Saint stepped back at my words while shaking his head.

"You're weird, Becky." Saint turned back and left the cafe.

Great! Now, I'm alone here.

I spent all my free time reading books here at the cafe. And when I was about to go to class, our teacher told us he couldn't attend today since he had allergies.

So how can I go home now? Saint is upset, and no one will take me home.

I journeyed to the parking lot, and with every step, I took, my feet were getting heavier. Although I know no one will bring me home, I still go here. What a pitiful creature I am.

"Hop in," someone said behind me.

I looked at the girl and was surprised when it was Freen. I hurriedly went in, and she drove off.

Freen was so calm like she was carrying her own serene and celestial atmosphere.

"Did someone tell you that you're so beautiful?" I asked.

"A lot." I nodded my head at her answer. "But you're the first one who could put butterflies in my stomach just by saying that word."

I rolled my eyes. I'm sure Freen doesn't mean what she said.

"Drop the act; we're alone." I prompted and crossed my arms.

"Freen, I'll go down here."

My eyes widened when I heard a voice behind me. It was a man's voice, so I turned to him and was surprised. He was wearing burgundy Cartier Panthere eyeglasses. He looked like a nerd, but those eyeglasses cost almost a million dollars.

I looked at Freen, and she was humming while steering the wheel.

"We'll bring Becky home; then I'll drive you home," Freen said coldly.

The guy behind looked nervous and started to play with his fingers. What is he doing here anyway?

I wanted to ask Freen, but she seemed to enjoy the ride, so I didn't bother. Let's just hope that they will come home safe.

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